The alarming disappearance of a French glacier - 14 Aug 2009  
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The alarming disappearance of a French glacier.
Scientists at France’s Laboratory for Studying Geophysics and Space Oceanography announced on Wednesday the findings of accelerated loss of the Cook glacier.

From 1963 to 2003, one of the largest glaciers in the southern hemisphere has lost 22% of its original size.
With measurements that first began in 1963, the glacier’s annual rate of receding has doubled since 1991.
This observation has been confirmed by the Journal of Geophysical Research with scientists reasoning that a warming climate and reduced precipitation are to blame for the rapid ice loss.

Although we are devastated to hear about the quickly changing landscapes in our world, we appreciate to know updated information from esteemed researchers. May the plight of our planet quickly resolve through kinder means of living and more care towards our co-inhabitants.

In her tireless work to alleviate the imperiled conditions of our Earth, Supreme Master Ching Hai often speaks with concern of the actions needed to reverse global warming, as she did in the following July 2008 videoconference in Japan.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : I think we’d better heed the warning of the scientists because otherwise it’s not just the ice melt, maybe we will melt also. I hope not! And we are working frantically toward saving the planet.
So if we be vegetarian, our good karma of saving lives will in turn reward us with our lives saved. That’s all I can say.

Formosans (Taiwanese) say yes to being veg for the environment.
A recent online survey conducted by and in Formosa (Taiwan), found that over 60% of the sample population said they are willing to become vegetarians to protect the environment.

With celebrities as well environmentalists calling on the public to eat less meat to reduce their carbon footprint, vegetarianism is quickly becoming a trend.

Way to go Formosa! Many thanks to and for sharing these encouraging results. Blessed be all who come to realize the simple effectiveness of saving the planet through the plant-based diet.

Concerned Californians consider managed relocation.
As the warming climate pushes several amphibian species in California, USA
to the brink of extinction, naturalists, botanists, ecologists and others are considering assisted migration as a way to help them survive.

The scientists say that as habitats shrink from global warming, new suitable habitat would become available but often does not overlap with the existing range. Therefore, unless humans help amphibians such as the black-bellied slender salamander or the coastal California newt relocate, a warming climate will mean their demise.

The practice of assisted migration, also known as managed relocation, is challenging because of the difficulty in moving an endangered species as well as the potential harm to a new ecosystem’s balance.

We sincerely thank the caring individuals who are working to save our beautiful and irreplaceable animal co-inhabitants. May we be reminded that the best way to protect all life is to tread ever more sustainably on our shared planetary home.

Extra News
Dr. Corey Bradshaw of Australia’s University of Adelaide warns that continued human consumption of frogs along with their habitat loss due to climate change could bring the sudden extinction of many species.

Five hundred teenagers are finalists at a Denmark climate change camp and will participate in a competition for creating new green products that help alleviate climate change.

India’s Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee reports that 25 percent of India’s districts are at risk of drought due to a weak monsoon season, resulting in a 20 percent decline in summer crops.,a-quarter-of-indias-districts-face-risk-of-drought.html