Conference on “Children’s Health and a Sustainable Planet” hosted in South Korea - 22 Sep 2009  
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Conference on “Children’s Health and a Sustainable Planet” hosted in South Korea.
On Monday, September 21, an international conference was held on Jeju Island, South Korea, to discuss two of the most important topics across social sectors: children's health and climate change.

The unique event focused on the organic vegan diet as the answer to both cooling the planet and improving children’s nutrition. Organized by 49 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the conference was attended by government dignitaries that included Jeju Governor Kim Tae-Hwan and Mr. Yang Seong-Eon, Superintendent of
the Jeju Special Self-Governing Office of Education.

It was also joined by multiple environmental and medical experts, as well as hundreds of educator, parent, youth, civil and religious group audience members. Invited as the honored guest was Supreme Master Ching Hai, who had kindly accepted the invitation to share her thoughts via videoconference.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Eliminating meat and dairy, and consuming only plant-based food, it’s the biggest and most significant change anyone can make to address global warming.

And it works. It really works. Especially now that the scientists are saying that the methane and other gases from livestock raising are responsible for more than 60% of all global warming.

So if you want to stop the top contributor of all global warming then we have to stop meat production. It’s very simple and logical and scientific. All the anxiety about global warming would fade, because you would be assured of protection and would also be free of the dangerous hormones that are transmitted through meat eating. For yourself and for tender fragile children.

VOICE: We thank the organizers and participants of this successful meeting, as our gratefulness also goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for sharing her concern and valuable guidance.

May all the world’s children inherit a safe planet and healthy future through the life-sustaining organic vegan diet.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Arctic cooling trend suddenly reversed.
Using a new data collection technique, scientists have been able to track actual temperature changes of a natural 21,000-year cycle in the Arctic. According to this cycle, the Arctic region has been receiving less energy from the sun during the summer for the past 8,000 years and will continue doing so for another 4,000.

This translates to continually cooling temperatures. However, US scientists from the University of Arizona have found that the region began to warm starting in 1900, with the biggest rise, a 1.2 degree Celsius increase, occurring between 1999 and 2008.

This warming trend has been accelerated by the further melting, as there is less snow and ice to reflect solar energy back into space, and Arctic temperatures are now known to be increasing at a rate that is twice as fast as the rest of the planet.

Our thanks, participating University of Arizona researchers for this study, despite its alarming implications for our future. Let us act now in sustainable planet-cooling measures to stabilize the environment.

Acknowledging the potentially devastating consequences of this changing Arctic trend, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke with our Association members during an August 2008 videoconference in Canada about how to best face the situation.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The time of disappearing of the ice means also the spelling of trouble for our planet. Of course it would be better if we already saved the planet before the ice melted.

But as it is, we can only do the best we can and trying to inform everybody to save themselves by being vegetarian. If the ice melts quicker, then, of course, we have shorter time to save the planet. But nevertheless because people are joining the vegetarian diet, we still can manage to save the world.


Meat-Free Mondays coming to Brazil.
On October 3 and 4, the Meat-Free Monday campaign will be inaugurated in Ibirapuera Park of São Paulo, Brazil. This initiative is being launched by the Brazilian Vegetarian Society, in partnership with organizations that include São Paulo’s Municipal Secretary of Green and Environment, Vegetarian Magazine, Greenpeace and others.

More information is available from the website
The event is intended to raise awareness of the benefits of the veg diet for nourishment, health and the environment while offering free classes on cooking scrumptious veg dishes.

Among the many activities will be some especially for children. Hats off, Brazilian Vegetarian Society and all Meat-Free Monday organizers for bringing this valuable message to the public.

With beneficial initiatives as yours, surely we will soon herald a world where all beings live in harmony with each other and the environment.,

UN ozone treaty now unanimously ratified.
With East Timor as the most recent signatory, the Montreal Protocol has become the first United Nations treaty signed by all 196 member states. This environmental pact seeks to protect the ozone layer and phase out harmful human-made chemicals that damage it.

A big bravo East Timor and all signatory nations for your commitment to this noble cause. Through such concerted efforts, may balance be soon returned to the ozone layer and indeed our entire ecosphere.

Extra News
Speaking at the Project Green Summit in Texas, USA, vegan American actress Daryl Hannah stated that being vegetarian is the most effective way to help the environment and curb global warming.

In an effort to address climate change, India announces plans to mandate fuel efficiency standards for its transport sector by 2011.