Returning to a Godly way of life - 17 Sep 2009  
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Returning to a Godly way of life.
A diverse audience attended the two consecutive conferences, one on global warming and the other a book premiere of the Spanish edition of “The Dogs in My Life,” Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 internationally bestselling book, in English, Formosan (Taiwanese), Korean, and most recently in its Spanish language edition.

The author herself was welcomed as the honored guest via videoconference for both events, with her shared insights uniting audience members - whether advocates of animals, the environment, or peace – in the same cause for saving the planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have wars, we have hunger and lack of compassion for other humans and animals. Because we go in the opposite direction of a Godly life. We should just turn around, then a whole new outlook on life and Divinity will open up to us.

Beginning with being compassionate, stop killing, choosing a veg diet,helping other in needs, etc., etc.
So just simple, be veg, go green, do good deeds.

VOICE: Conference participants shared their lasting impressions from the discussion with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Nicolás Pauls – Film actor from Argentina (M): I think that be veg, go green is, to place our attention directly on the love that we should have towards a planet that has life.

Cecilia Brack Mendiola – Sociologist and environmental adviser, Peru (F): Let’s hope that such a reliable voice, so kind as hers, will draw the attention for everyone of us to take action on the things we must do from our home. Because things have to start at home.

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded that a peaceful lifestyle at home, at our dining table, is the start of building a paradise on Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:All of us, we have to put in the effort together. We have to return to our true nature, which is loving, which is kind, which is very, very benevolent, just Godlike quality. Then, everything will
change accordingly. Nothing will happen to us then but only happiness, prosperity, peace, loving kindness and the world full of abundance. This is the power that we have.

We are always praying to Heaven please help us, help us. But we have the power to create Heaven.

VOICE: We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for reawakening our innate compassion for all beings, through her literary gifts and words of faith and encouragement.

May all be entitled to a saved, blissful world, through each individual’s vital participation in being veg, going green, and doing good deeds.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

CO2 levels linked to Antarctic’s origin.
A team of researchers from the United Kingdom and the United States traveled to Tanzania, where they obtained special rock and fossil samples that would yield clues about the atmosphere 34 million years ago.
Their analysis showed that declining CO2 levels, which were then at about 750 ppm, or twice those of today, were the cause of Antarctic ice formation.

Fellow researcher Dr. Bridget Wade of Texas A&M University in the US stated, "Our study is the first to provide a direct link between the establishment of an ice sheet on Antarctica and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and therefore confirms the relationship between carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
and global climate."

Scientists now are concerned that a continued rise in present CO2 levels will cause these massive ice sheets to melt, with a catastrophic 60 meter rise in global sea levels.

Our sincere appreciation Drs. Pearson, Wade and colleagues for showing the connection to past times of climate change on Earth. May all of humanity join in the urgent actions needed to stabilize our ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has revealed through her meditation and inner communication that the inhabitants of other planets such as Mars had also caused drastic changes in atmospheric gases, as she explained once more our need for lifestyles of virtue in a January 2009 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff members in California, USA.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The mass extinction came; they die, not only human beings on there, but the animals also; they die by two main poisonous gases. Namely, hydrogen sulfide and nitrous oxide, plus methane as the third cause.

But hydrogen sulfide and methane from the livestock begun to warm the climate and then triggered  more other gases from the ocean, from permafrost and glacier around their planet. Just like what is happening to our planet right now.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: As the destruction happened too fast and no one can help anyone.
Only 0.2% of them escaped, around 2 million, into the underground caves. And that’s how they survive.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:: They retain the history of what happened, so that the descendants know how to take care of what they have and not to be careless, and not to be so destructive anymore but more virtuous and spiritual.


Asian countries adopt green industry standards.
Senior business and environmental officials from 22 Asian countries met in the Philippines for the International Conference on Green Industry in Asia, where they unanimously adopted the Manila Declaration and Framework of Action.

This accord provides steps for reaching energy, green jobs and environment goals as well as a mechanism for periodically assessing progress. The leaders said that the Manila Declaration could also provide input for the upcoming international Copenhagen conference. International attendees, our accolades for your new green accord.

Wishing your continued work together abundant benefit to both the environment and the people of Asia.

Extra News

Electric powered cars, motorcycles, and tricycles racing at the Mason-Dixon Dragway in Maryland, USA, show spectators the swift progress of green vehicles, as electric cars like the Tesla Roadster can now rival a conventional Ferrari in performance.

In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), a new species of tree frog has been discovered by the country’s scientists in the northern province of Lào Cai as well as a new gecko species in the southern provinces of Đồng Nai and Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu.