The real cause - and solution - for climate change - 15 Sep 2009  
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The real cause - and solution - for climate change.
In a recent event broadcast live from Lima, Peru, honored guest and speaker Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed via videoconference the latest scientific finding that greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector have been newly assessed to amount to more than 60 percent of total global emissions, making meat production the single largest cause of global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has stated since nearly two years ago that at least 80 percent of global warming can be stopped if we cease using animal products.
In response to a question on how to convey this truth, she gave the following encouragement to attending audience members and indeed citizens worldwide.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : As for what we can do about the interests of the meat industry, we must be very steadfastin conveying what we know to be the real truth, and sharing it as far and wide as possible.

We can write letters to all these meat industrial responsible persons and tell them all these truths.
We gather information and send it to them.

Tell them they should be organic vegan farmers instead, or many other job nowadays, green technology.

Our need to stop the killing of animals is the only one that will stabilize the Earth physically as well as bringing peace and restore hope to humans and the planet.

But it is up to us, all of us, to decide whether or not we should save our planet,save our family, save our children.

VOICE: With appreciation to conference participants for their sincerity, we are most grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her practical guidance and unyielding support to humankind.
Let us all decide now to become an organic vegan society, thus saving ourselves and countless other lives.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Drought forces thousands of farmers to cities.
Following two years of scarce rain and resulting crop failures,thousands of Syrian families are migrating to cities in search of alternative jobs.

Climate change, along with human-caused desertification from grazing animals as well as the absence of irrigation, has affected 60% of the nation’s land, with over 800,000 people who have completely lost their livelihoods.

With over 60,000 families that have migrated thus far, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is providing support to families in efforts to keep children in school, while the International ederation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has provided funds for food aid to be distributed to the most vulnerable.

We are grateful, United Nations Children’s Fund, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and all those working to ease the situation of the Syrians. May such tragic circumstances soon be eliminated as more people turn to kinder, higher standards.

Concerned for our imperiled planetary stability, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke in a July 2008 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff, offering a clear and simple approach to bring resolution to this troubling situation.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : We can help to better prepare for the future food crisis; it’s not future, it’s already there, but we can help to minimize it or curb it, by helping the developed nations to understand that vegetarian diet, is the cure for food shortage.

And that we should share the resources and technology with all fellow brethren as Heaven intended us to do. Again and again, eating meat is the cause of most misery on our planet.

People must realize that putting down that piece of meat, which is poisonous, is all they have to do to obtain peace on Earth, and to eliminate hunger for good, and to save the planet, of course.


UN provides warning system for river bank dwellers in Bangladesh.
After analyzing 25 years of satellite images and soil samples, the United Nations Development Program has developed a plan to help alert the estimated 100,000 Bangladeshis who are made homeless by flooding each year. Test forecasting to date has been accurate and effective in pre-warning thousands of people at Kaijuri, northwest of the capital, in time to seek safe resettlement. Many thanks United Nations for your kind assistance in creating a system that maximizes the safe evacuation of the Bangladeshi people.

May Heaven watch over them as we also speed our efforts to address global warming through such Earth-sustaining measures as the vegan lifestyle.


Extra News
The Forestry Commission Wales has begun the decades-long Tywi Wildwood project, which will recreate wetlands, bogs and heath to return a 1,000-hectare site to its more original, pristine state.

Florida, USA resident and community activist Terry Neal creates the 25-minute documentary film “Orange Lake, Nature’s Bounty” in an effort to save the region’s wetlands.

Environment Ministers from the Ibero-American countries of Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain and Uruguay attended their ninth annual meeting where they developed proposals for addressing climate change.