Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses Mexico’s judges on climate change - 2 Nov 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses Mexico’s judges on climate change.
On October 29, the Association of Mexican Magistrates Pro Environmental Justice in Mexico City, Mexico, launched a six-month program that would further update the country’s magistrates and judges on important environmental issues, including climate change.

The participating judiciaries are serving in the creation of new and important environmental laws. For the opening ceremony, the distinguished Association invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to share her insights and message of encouragement.

Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously accepted the request, to explain some of the links between the adverse effects of global warming and the aggravating role of the livestock industry.

Video speech by Supreme Master Ching Hai To Association of Mexican Magistrates Pro Environmental Justice Mexico City, Mexico – October 29, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Livestock raising is the single largest human use of land, and the main reason for deforestation. Livestock is the leading cause of animal and plant extinction due to land degradation and other habitat-destroying effects. Of all sectors, the meat industry is the biggest source of water pollution.
We waste 3.8 trillion tons of precious clean water each year for livestock production.

Animal products require 8 times as much fossil fuel energy to be produced compared to vegetable products. A study found that meat and dairy production in Mexico use the most agricultural supplies and resources in the country, and this is reflected elsewhere around the world as well. If these resources – land, water, and grain – were turned instead toward the direct support of human life instead of livestock, what a different world we would have.

VOICE: Prominent dignitaries, having watched the video speech, conveyed their support and shared concern.
Magistrate Luz Delfina Abitia Gutiérrez – Director of National Association of Circuit Courts Magistrates and District Judges of Judicial Authority of the Federation A.C. (Third Region), Mexico (M): [Climate change] is leading to major catastrophes, loss of life, both human and animal, destruction of forests and economic losses; it is something that we must be concerned about and solve.

Circuit Courts Magistrate Neófito López Ramos – President of Association of Mexican Magistrates Pro-Environmental Justice A.C. (M): And as Supreme Master Ching Hai says, warning about this situation, that it is the animals that generate methane.

Jose Luis Espinoza - Environmentalist and member of Constructive Council for Sustainable Development of Mexico (M): [Climate change] is a phenomenon that causes international repercussions and all of us are obliged to change our personal behavior because we have a commitment to each other as human race, to all species, and that is to produce less pollutants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:: I can only honor you with the truth when I say that we must become vegan to save our planet. I call upon the courage of all counsel present, with the authority and power vested in you, may you lead your co-citizens toward the noble, virtuous, life-saving, and planet-sustaining path.

VOICE: Our respectful appreciation, Your Honors, the esteemed magistrates and judges of Mexico. May your genuine concern and prudent decisions help steer our world to safety. We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai, who strives tirelessly to share with leaders and the public alike the most imperative way to save the planet.

Blessed be all government measures that are truly in the best interest of humankind.Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom at a later date for the full broadcast of this speech by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Overfishing threatens marine life in European waters.
European Union scientists report that 30 out of 35 fish populations, or 85% of the region’s species are imperiled, with fish such as the cod now barely one-quarter the levels identified as safe.
European Commission fisheries conservation chief Maria de la Fuensanta Candela Castillo said, “We are simply fishing too much.” European Union officials caution that drastic reductions in fishing are necessary to prevent species’ extinction.

Previously overfished cod populations in New England, USA, have seen limited restoration following conservation efforts. In Canada, however, even 18 years after the government halted fishing in the waters off the eastern coast, the cod have not yet returned.

Conservation Chief Castillo and concerned European scientists and officials, we appreciate this eye-opening report and call to action to preserve marine life. May a respectful balance between human and nature be restored through our more eco-friendly actions.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has long highlighted the need to cherish the lives of all beings, addressed the tragic consequences of fishing during a November 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have to stop it. Just stop the fishing. The government has to forbid fishing because it’s too important to our survival to delay any further. Not only is there overfishing and depleting of marine life, but there is also side killing. Like when the commercial long liners go fishing,

they’re killing tens of thousands of sea turtles, by the way, and hundreds of thousands of sea birds and millions of sharks every year. To stop this destructive practice of fishing, the solution is the vegan diet, no fishy stuff in our meals. The sea offers us plenty of better food choices; the wide varieties of super healthy and nutritious sea plants.

We can even live on it forever.  We must protect a living and healthy sea, as it relates to our living and healthy self.


Extra News
With so few surviving overfishing and pollution off the coast of Hong Kong, the seas in the region are now referred to as “ghost waters,” and environmentalists say this is an example of what Europe and other governments must avoid.

Estimating that developing nations will need approximately US$148 billion per year by 2020 to address climate change, European Union leaders pledge to provide between US$32 and US$74 billion on the condition that other nations also join.

The city of Perth in Western Australia receives just 6.8mm of rain in the month of October 2009, making it the driest October in nine years.

A study by the Swiss federal agricultural research agency Agroscope shows that climate change is causing more frequent and prolonged water shortages in the nation, threatening 26% of usable agricultural land and 41% percent of currently arable land.

United States President Barack Obama signs into effect a US$33.5 billion bill for programs in 2010 that include sustainable energy development, energy conservation technology and research for emission reductions.