A call for mercy toward all beings - 20 Nov 2009  
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A call for mercy toward all beings.
At a recent event in Orizaba, Mexico, issues of animal cruelty and climate change were the focus as Veracruz state government dignitaries and citizens gathered in the wish to do their part to halt global warming.
Invited by the Veracruz state government, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her thoughts via videoconference on the effectiveness of showing compassion for other lives by not eating meat in achieving the urgently needed care of all of nature.

To honor the efforts of Supreme Master Ching Hai and the international association that developed around her example of service, Mr Alonso Domínguez Ferráez, Coordinator of Environment of the State of Veracruz, presented our Association with a certificate of appreciation.

It read:(in Spanish)

“The State of Veracruz, through the Office of General Coordination for the Environment, hereby grants this Award to the Supreme Master Ching Hai [International] Association for its valuable contribution in raising awareness to reduce the effects of climate change though the conference “SOS: A Quick Action
Stop Global Warming.”

Lic. Alonso Domínguez Ferráez General Coordinator for the Environment Orizaba, Veracruz,
November 16, 2009

VOICE: During the conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized that halting the livestock industry would not only reduce greenhouse gases, but would reward humanity through a peaceful co-existence with other animals on Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Cows, pigs, chickens, fish, etc. are no different from our beloved animal companions. Perhaps people would do differently if they could just see their piece of meat for what it is, as real beings who had a strong will to live in dignity but had to die in anguish.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:: There are many stories in the news about cows who ran away to escape being slaughtered. There was one such case of a cow who was seen in the streets of New York City even, because she escaped.

And one of the animal control staffs was so moved by the cow’s plight,  she became vegetarian on the spot. This cow was no different nor special compared to the rest of the thousands of her kind, murdered every day for meat.

Supreme Master Ching Hai::  Because people are so misinformed, that’s why we do what we did. But from now on, if we are informed and if we want to save the planet, we have to stop killing any animals at all.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:: We have lived so long with them on this planet; it’s about time that we should get to know them, make friends with them for the wonderful, respected and noble beings that they are.
Thank you for being concerned. God bless you.

VOICE: Our appreciation, respected state government officials and dignitaries, as well as conference participants for your open hearts. We are thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai, who continues to support the restoration of the Earth’s biosphere. May we all choose the compassionate organic vegan diet that
will beget the protection most needed at this crucial time.Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Nitrogen must be curbed for the health of the planet.
A series of recent studies show that excessive levels of nitrogen are contaminating the Earth’s soil, waters and atmosphere, which in turn is endangering ecosystems.
Behind the dangerous increase in nitrogen levels are factors that include rising livestock populations, with farmed animals emitting 67% of the human-generated greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. This gas is nearly 300 times more heat trapping than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Another major source of nitrogen is chemical fertilizers, which also go to crops that feed livestock.

Scientists have recommended that the levels of human-caused nitrogen be reduced by 75%, which would require an overhaul of the world’s agriculture system. Our sincere thanks all scientists for raising awareness of the perilously high levels of nitrogen and their source.

Let us all heed the warning and contribute to our planet’s immediate health by choosing plant-based organic foods. Supreme Master Ching Hai has long highlighted the need to foster compassionate lifestyles to reverse such damaging consequences, as during a May 2009 climate change videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The biggest thing is to forgo all animal products, whatsoever, and spread the message to as many people as possible that this is the solution So, the reason on the physical level is to stop methane and nitrous oxide, the two gases that are produced by livestock raising. the animals that are raised for meat are producing more greenhouse gases than all the worldwide transportation combined.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If we eliminate meat from our diet, global warming is reduced very quickly by a tremendous amount, if not the most of it. If everyone becomes vegan, stops raising more animals for food and, instead, growing organic vegetables, our Earth and the environment can be saved, and as quick as we
could not even imagine – in a few weeks.


Extra News
The Vishwa Mangala Gou Grama Yatra, a 108-day, 20,000 kilometer campaign across India, seeks to protect declining numbers of the nation’s cows from slaughter and to offer them the treatment of respect given to one's mother.

With rural Mexico facing the worst drought in over six decades, failed crops are causing many farmers to seek work in the US as they attempt to feed their families.

At the first Mekong Delta Climate Change Forum, the Australian government announced a donation of €1 million to evaluate and help find solutions to the impact of climate change on Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

Nonprofit conservation group Northwest Straits Commission in Washington, USA receives federal funding to remove thousands of fishing nets and eliminate their threat to marine life on the seafloor in Puget Sound.