British climate chief speaks up for the veg climate solution in India - 17 Nov 2009  
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British climate chief speaks up for the veg climate solution in India.
During an interview with Indian newspaper Financial Express, British climate economist Lord Nicholas Stern voiced his encouragement for the meat-free lifestyle as a viable climate solution, stating, “A vegetarian diet is climate friendly. It’s less carbon intensive. Though eating food is a matter of personal choice, it is desirable to help people make informed decisions.”

While in India, Lord Stern was delivering a lecture on “Building an Equitable Agreement on Climate Change.” Lord Stern is joining several other notable leaders in voicing support for the climate benefits of a vegetarian diet. These include United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change chief Yvo de Boer, and British former Beatles member, Sir Paul McCartney.

Lord Stern and all other noble voices, our accolades and admiration for encouraging the public to consider food choices as an integral part of an eco-friendly lifestyle. May we all be inspired toward adoption of the plant-based diet, for our planet and our future.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has long been a tireless advocate for the world-saving organic vegan diet, as in an interview with The House Magazine for the September 2009 edition.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish I could find another solution, but all the evidence doesn’t favor any other solution except the vegan diet, and then we can have other solutions when we have more time We have only a few years now, and we don’t know what comes yet even. Now it’s the swine flu, but what else? I don’t want to know. I don’t have any other solution Be green is just by the way. Be veg is the only, the main, the 90% solution.

United Kingdom scientists enhance carbon absorption technologies.
With more than €2.8 million in grant support from the European Union and the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, researchers at the University of Warwick have developed designs that help minimize emissions for both home heating and air conditioning cars.

This new equipment, which is up to 20 times smaller than was earlier possible, could reduce home fuel costs and carbon dioxide emissions by 30% or more, and lower fuel use and CO2 emissions for automobile air conditioning systems. With many businesses that have already shown interest in these innovations,
Dr. Bob Critoph, University of Warwick professor and lead researcher, said, “It is particularly pleasing that the technology will significantly help reduce CO2 emissions.” Our green salute, Dr. Critoph and colleagues on this exciting development! We look forward to seeing more such advancements that help us all tread more gently on the planet.

Global warming and El Niño impacting South American monkeys.
Wishing to better understand the impact of climate change on tropical monkeys, US scientists studied the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the weather patterns that are worsening with global warming. They selected four representative species, all of which are highly threatened: the muriqui of Brazil,(Brachyteles hypoxanthus)
Colombia’s woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha), Geoffroy's spider monkey in Panama,(Ateles geoffroyi) and the red howler monkey in Venezuela.

(Alouatta seniculus) Associate Professor of Biology, Dr. Eric Post (NFT: PhD) and Ecology graduate student Ms. Ruscena Wiederholt of Pennsylvania State University discovered that all four species showed a decline due to changes in fruit availability because of the extensive variations in climate associated with El Niño fluctuations.

Dr. Post stated, “El Niño events are expected to increase in frequency with global warming. This study suggests that the consequences of such intensification of ENSO could be devastating for several species of New World monkeys.” Their research will be published in the United Kingdom’s Royal Society journal, Biology Letters.

Many thanks, Dr. Post and Ms. Wiederholt for your important findings that highlight the harmful consequences of climate change on our primate relatives and co-inhabitants.Let us quickly adopt compassionate vegan lifestyles to help safeguard the many precious lives of our animal friends.

Concerned for the welfare of all beings facing the dire circumstances of our time, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the urgent need for action, as during an August 2008 videoconference with our Association members in Canada.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : They are trying their best to sound the warning bell, warning by disease, and even death en masse, but I don’t know how many of us are listening. They are trying to help us, but we are trying to kill them. It’s a very sad affair. We humans have to do everything we can, not waiting for the animals.
They are already dying, dying, dying. Numerous are dying every day.

So many other signs in nature, so many animal signs, but we have to listen. It’s not the animals. It’s us.
Supreme Master Ching Hai : We just have to remind everybody to be veg and to be kind to the animals. That's the only way we can protect them.

Extra News
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