The human face – and human power – in climate change - 17 Dec 2009  
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The human face – and human power – in climate change.
Marking the final high-level phase of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, United Nations and partner organization representatives observed Humanitarian Day at the summit locale in Copenhagen, Denmark, raising awareness of the human implications of climate change. Supreme Master Television’s correspondent in Copenhagen shares details.

Supreme Master Television Correspondent: “Nature does not negotiate.” These were the words shared by United Nations Secretary-General Ban to signal the firm decisions that must be made now to stop worsening climate catastrophes.

The human-caused decline of nature was well illustrated by UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes.
John Holmes, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator (M): Whereas 20 years ago there were perhaps 200 natural disasters a year, now we’re facing more like 400. Whereas 5 years ago, half of those disasters were related to climate, now, three-quarters
of those disasters are related to climate. Climate change is not some abstract future threat. Climate change is now, climate change is affecting people now.

Supreme Master Television Correspondent: Like many others who travelled to Copenhagen to lend their own individual energy, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association continued spreading information about the power of each person to reverse global warming through a switch to the plant-based diet.

The veg solution was also discussed by the European Parliament just before the Climate Summit and specifically advocated by eminent leaders such as United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Chairman, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri – Chair, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Vegetarian (M): I think we have to use every means to mitigate the emissions of greenhouse gases, and I’d submit to you once again that cutting down on meat consumption would be an extremely effective way of doing so.

Supreme Master Television Correspondent:  This week, the Association hosted a sumptuous organic vegan banquet at the Hilton Hotel in Copenhagen, inviting 150 conference delegates and organizations to participate in a greater understanding of the dietary solution to climate change. The response was enthusiastic.

Niti Desuderai – President of Malaysian Environmental Protection Society, Vegetarian (M): I’d like to congratulate your organization for all the tremendous work you are doing for creating awareness on the importance of eating a vegetarian diet.

COP 15 Vegan dinner interview Phillipines EurporeanParliament 20091214 Ignacio T. Arroyo - Philippine Congressman (M): We would like to try your vegan food, and in fact it’s been talked of a lot by our colleagues. And also I’d like to greet your Supreme Master and thank her for all these.

Supreme Master Television Correspondent: This is Supreme Master Television reporting from Copenhagen, Denmark.

VOICE: Our gratefulness to all the dedicated conference participants, leaders and co-citizens alike, in Copenhagen. We join in thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her steady support of the crucial vegan change and pray that the more than 130 heads of state and government will accept this win-win deal so needed by our planet to survive.

In an October 2009 videoconference, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed world leaders, calling for their actions in accordance with the law of harmony with nature, including our animal co-inhabitants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Ladies and gentlemen, all the powerful people in the world, in our society, the law only punished someone who has done something wrong to the society. The animals have never done us any wrongs.

If we want to receive the mercy of Heaven for our life here on Earth, we must first be merciful in granting the same dignity and freedom of life to the animals. Only then can we have a return of the environmental balance that I know you also seek to protect. So please everyone, plant veg, be veg and we can go green later
when we already save the planet. Save our planet. Please, I wish you the best.

Ecuador offers an innovative plan for preserving the rainforest, with the country leaving an estimated one billion barrels of oil in the ground and instead selling certificates for the unreleased carbon, with proceeds going toward continued conservation and other eco-projects.

Extra News
Formosa (Taiwan) donates US$50,000 to Bird Life International, based in the United Kingdom, to aid their avian life protection and conservation efforts.

To better protect the threatened populations of Asian elephants, Indo-Chinese tigers, and other rare animals, the governments of China and Laos are cooperating to build a cross-border natural preserve connecting their countries.

Lebanon’s Environment Minister Mohammed Rahhal announces the government’s first-ever financial allocations for addressing climate change, with plans to fund sustainable energy and other mitigating measures.