At Copenhagen, a focus on the immediate veg solution - 12 Dec 2009  
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At Copenhagen, a focus on the immediate veg solution.
As the climate change conference in Denmark gains momentum, European Union delegates have been working to reach agreement on the matter of assistance to developing nations for adapting to current and future onslaughts of global warming.

From prolonged droughts and water scarcity to increased floods and food shortages, disasters have already begun striking the regions with the least infrastructure and resources to cope with them.
Organizations like the World Bank have estimated mitigation costs at up to hundreds of billions of US dollars each year. However, one solution being advocated by groups in Copenhagen that would reduce both climate cost mitigation and global warming itself is the organic vegan diet.

With that, let's go to our corrrespondent in Copenhagen. With livestock production now known to account for more than 50% of global warming, one of its primary greenhouse gases, methane, leaves the atmosphere
in about a decade.

Moreover, as a previously published report from the Netherlands has stated, 80% of environmental stabilization costs could be saved if everyone adopts an animal-free diet. Thus, the vegan solution would rapidly lead to a cooler planet, while dramatically lessening both costs and the need for adaptation in all countries.

We have been working in Copenhagen to spread awareness of the crucial importance of the vegan diet, handing out tens of thousands of SOS and Alternative Living flyers along with other informative materials.
The flyers and prominent banners have received a great amount of attention and positive feedback, including from international journalists, radio and television groups as well as public officials at Copenhagen.

In European Union media coverage of the wide range of activities taking place in and around the conference venue, officials such as European Environment Agency Deputy Director Gordon McInnes showed they were also supportive of the need to address livestock industry impacts on the climate.

We asked Deputy Director McInnes for his thoughts on livestock's impact to the environment.
Gordon McInnes – Deputy Director, European Environment Agency (M): Cattle and other animals, there is a lot of methane produced, which also contributes to global warming.
So less meat production, less meat eating will help reduce impact. This is Supreme Master Television reporting from Copenhagen, Denmark.

VOICE: We thank Deputy Director McInnes, European Union delegates, and all participants of this historic summit. Our prayers that the organic vegan diet will be considered a vital part of the climate agreement and wishing world leaders Godspeed in arriving at the most enlightened planet-saving strategies for all.
In a speech addressing government magistrates and judges of Mexico City, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai called upon their leadership to instate the highly beneficial vegan policy to halt further human suffering and save the planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If all tillable land were turned into organic vegetable farmland, not only would people be fully fed, but up to 40% of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could be absorbed.
This is in addition to the elimination of over 50% of emissions caused by livestock raising. Therefore, in sum,we eliminate most of the human-made greenhouse gases by simply adopting the animal-free vegan organic lifestyle.

This also leads to considerable financial savings for world governments. At this most urgent time for the planet, I beseech your honorable graces to please help your country and our world spare lives from the impending global warming calamity. If you don’t, there will be too massive a catastrophe, too immense a suffering upon people, families, the children, that our conscience might never be able to bear it. We must become vegan to save our planet.

Extra News

In Mexico, increasing amounts of electricity are being generated via wind energy, with many wind farms already completed and additional projects on the way.

Australian scientists report a rare sighting of a huge 140 square kilometer iceberg from Antarctica drifting toward Australia, a phenomena that could become more frequent as global warming raises ocean temperatures.

The Arab League in Cairo, Egypt hosts a conference on ways to protect wildlife and safeguard natural resources from over-population and human-made desertification.

While studying the Amazon region in South America, UK scientists discover that aerosols released during rainforest burning and deforestation, mainly driven by livestock production, lead to decreased rainfall and more intense dry seasons.