World leaders gather in Denmark for historic climate change conference - 9 Dec 2009  
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World leaders gather in Denmark for historic climate change conference.
The much-anticipated Copenhagen summit was launched on Monday, December 7. The meeting represents the culmination of years of negotiations to create a successor to the Kyoto protocol, in which 192 countries across the planet are being asked to come to a legally binding agreement that will reduce emissions quickly
and efficiently enough to save the world.

Supreme Master Television’s correspondent reports from Copenhagen.
Correspondent in Denmark (M): This year’s conference is expected to be one of the most important in history, a turning point where firm decisions will be made to prevent runaway climate change.
Yvo de Boer – Executive Secretary, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (M): I believe that negotiators now have the clearest signal ever from world leaders to craft a solid set of proposals to implement rapid action. 

Correspondent (M): Scientists from all around the globe have been warning that the Earth is approaching dangerous tipping points.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri – Chair, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (M):There are viable adaptations options that can be implemented in several sectors at low cost and with high benefits costs.

Correspondent (M): It is hoped that the negotiators and world leaders who are gathering here in the Danish capital will provide strong and unifying decisions.

Connie Hedegaard – Danish Minister for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (F): So ladies and gentleman, let's get it done. The time has come to set the right cause for our world while we still can.

Correspondent (M): This is Supreme Master Television reporting from the COP 15 here in Copenhagen, Denmark.

VOICE: In addition to government and civil efforts, 55 newspapers from 45 countries acted in unison by publishing an editorial that called upon all global leaders to take action in determining the direction if not the fate of life on Earth.

Our full support and salute, leading decision-makers, participants and all others involved for your caring determination and courage. We pray for an outcome of the most effective and practical solutions, including a policy for the essential and planet-cooling organic vegan diet. Blessed be the wise collective efforts made
in this crucial period.

Leading up to this key summit, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been unreservedly urging the world’s governments in particular to mobilize rapid and necessary efforts to address the livestock emissions, as in this August 2009 videoconference with dignitaries and the public in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I hope the governments would please, make it into law to forbid the killing of animals, to forbid any more animal livestock raising. If they are truly the leaders that pledge to protect their people, to improve their country in many aspects, then this is the first step we have to do. Stop the meat industry, stop the fish industry, stop the dairy industry, then our planet will be the way it was and even better.

There are only two ways to do things in our world – the correct way and the incorrect way. And right now, to save the planet, there is only one way to stop the cause - that is, the animal industry, by all means, in all aspects.We have to do it. Spread information, encourage everyone, inform everyone to be vegan.

US and Mexico partner to restore bison population and grasslands.
As part of a cooperative environmental program, the United States has donated 23 bison to Mexico. Coming from the Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota, the animals will begin expanding their populations in Mexico’s northern 46,000-acre El Uno Ecological Reserve, where they will also assist in the restoration
of grasses and grassland species.

Mexico's Environment Secretary Juan Elvira Quesada said that the goal is to restore the bison and other species through preservation measures that include allowing the animals to migrate freely back and forth across the shared US-Mexico border.

Secretary Quesada, Mexico and the United States, we are glad to hear of your Earth-caring work together. Wishing the people of both your countries abundant and sustainable fulfillment in harmony with nature.

Animal agriculture affects global hunger.
With the numbers of people facing hunger worldwide having risen to more a billion for the first time in history, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) released a white paper calling for reduced reliance on industrial animal agriculture and greater support instead for plant-based foods to provide nutrition
for more people.

The report points out that with over 80% of all soy and up to 50% of corn already being fed to livestock, forecasts of animal product consumption doubling by 2050 means that livestock animals may soon be in competition with humans for food. Worse yet, livestock production is a major factor in global warming,
which if continued will only intensify problems such as drought and extreme storms that are already threatening food security worldwide.

Our appreciation, Humane Society of the United States for this wise reminder that global hunger can be alleviated by the simple choice of plant-based foods.

May such research as yours lead us to swiftly adopt lifestyles that optimize the food supply for all.
In her dedication to ensure humanity’s wellbeing, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often warned of the major role of the livestock industry in world hunger, as during a January 2009 videoconference in Mongolia.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Actually, we should not have to worry about food because we have it abundantly on our planet. It’s just that we have to use it wisely. Instead of using it to feed the animals, we use it to feed humans and that will be fine. We should remind everyone to be veg to invoke the mercy of the Buddhas, and we will be better protected.

Studies have shown that if the grain currently going to livestock animals for feed, if we feed it to humans, then all the hunger in the world will disappear and the reversal of global warming from a vegan diet will result in more plentiful growing conditions. So, we even have more food than now if we turn to vegan diet.

Extra News
The world’s largest mangrove forest stretching from India to Bangladesh, with its incredibly diverse flora and fauna, is being jeopardized by surface water temperatures that are rising at 8 times the general rate of global warming.

Research conducted at King's College London in the United Kingdom states that one of the increasing health threats of climate change is the rising incidence of mental illness.

Stating that the world has only five years to avoid disastrous climate effects, Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Penny Sackett urges all residentsto reduce their carbon footprint.