European livestock raising exceeds carbon storage of trees and soils - 9 Dec 2009  
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European livestock raising exceeds carbon storage of trees and soils.
In a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, researchers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry found that although farms in Europe have the capacity to store some 125 million tons of CO2 equivalent through absorption by trees, grass and soil, these numbers did not take into account emissions from livestock and fertilizers. Lead author and Institute Director Dr. Detlef Schulze stated that the numbers changed drastically when factoring in the methane generated by livestock as well as the nitrous oxide produced by animal manure.

In fact, the beneficial absorption number was removed altogether and was replaced instead by 34 million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions. Commenting on the current method of ignoring these livestock-related greenhouse gases, Dr. Schulze said, “That’s definitely not acceptable.”  Dr. Schulze and colleagues,
our heartfelt thanks for this further documentation of the harmful effects of farmed animal raising. Our prayers that climate negotiators act on such clear data by ensuring that livestock production is accounted for and regulated under all new emission reduction agreements and goals.

In her endeavors to safeguard life on our planet, Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently highlighted the need to stop the meat industry and its intense global warming effects, as during an interview published in the July 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent newspaper.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If we are vegan we don’t even need to worry about CO2 yet. CO2 by transportation and all that is not the grave urgency like methane gas and nitrous oxide and all the gases that are produced out of animal industry.

From my inside knowledge, and also scientifically speaking, 80% of global warming would be stopped if we stopped the animal industry. As the top climatologist Dr. James Hansen said, being veg is the single most effective thing a person can do to stop global warming.

Extra News
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expresses optimism for the climate summit’s outcome as key decision makers from over 100 countries are scheduled to attend the meetings in Copenhagen, with His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Wales invited to speak on the pivotal concluding days of negotiation.

In India, Bihar state government Secretary Vyasji announces that 3.3 million people are facing starvation due to global warming induced drought and water shortages.

In a policy brief for the Copenhagen summit, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization affirms that organic farming practices, which naturally store carbon in the soil, are an easy and cost-effective option to help stop climate change and contribute to food security.