The House Magazine features effective dietary climate solution in special Copenhagen conference edition - 6 Dec 2009  
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The House Magazine features effective dietary climate solution in special Copenhagen conference edition.
Following an interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai published in its September 2009 issue, The House Magazine, based in the United Kingdom, is featuring a report summarizing planet-saving strategies, with a highlight on the effective vegan lifestyle solution as consistently advocated by Supreme Master Ching Hai.
This special edition of The House Magazine will be distributed to its main readership of British Parliament members starting on Monday, December 7, the first day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Considered a key resource for policymakers, The House Magazine is also read by private citizens, businesses, academia and local governments, and is available to interested subscribers. The two-page article, titled “The Greatest Climate Chance: Copenhagen,” focuses on the climate-healing shift to organic vegan farming and diet, and includes calls for meat reduction made recently by esteemed scientists, government and United Nations leaders.

Readers will find reference to such supportive studies as “Livestock and Climate Change,” published by the World Watch Institute magazine in November 2009, which reveals through updated calculations that livestock emissions account for more than 50% of global warming.

Also included is the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency’s report on the savings garnered from a global transition to less and no meat. Finally, readers can see highlights of The Lancet medical journal’s special series, “Health Benefits of Tackling Climate Change,” which advocates a 30% reduction in meat consumption to save lives and curb global warming.

From Supreme Master Ching Hai are condensed, highly relevant facts and words of guidance that decision makers and the public alike may find useful, as in the following:

“The Rodale Institute calls organic vegan farming a powerful strategy to reduce global warming.”
~ Supreme Master Ching Hai, Interview in The House Magazine, September 2009

“We should also show our children that we care about their future and their health. And the best way to do this is through the example of a compassionate, loving lifestyle through a vegan diet.” ~
Supreme Master Ching Hai, “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives” Climate Change Conference, Hong Kong, 2009.

 “If meat eating were halted, then we still have time to handle the carbon dioxide.”
~ Supreme Master Ching Hai,

Interview in The House Magazine, September 2009 Our appreciation, The House Magazine, for highlighting the most relevant climate solutions for respected Members of Parliament and other readers during this crucial conference period.

We also convey our gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her tireless efforts to assist humanity in making the most beneficial decisions. May the world leaders at the Copenhagen summit wisely and courageously incorporate a vegan food policy for the survival of the planet and her inhabitants.

Danes go green ahead of Copenhagen climate summit.
For the past several months, Denmark has been working toward special ecological goals in preparation for the major Copenhagen summit. Officials, billboards and advertisements on television and newspaper as well as brochures are all sending messages to encourage the nation’s 5.4 million residents to make eco-friendly adjustments.

These have included conserving water, trading car transport for bicycles and reducing meat in favor of eating more vegetables to eliminate the highly-potent greenhouse gas, methane.

Bravo, government and people of Denmark! We laud your eco-loving initiatives. Blessed be such shining examples as yours in helping inspire our actions toward a world for future generations to enjoy.

European Parliament Members discuss reducing meat and climate change.
The European Parliament organized a hearing on Thursday, December 3 titled “Climate Change and Food Policy: Less Meat = Less Heat,” opening the floor for a discussion about ways that reducing meat consumption would mitigate global warming. Invited as guest panelists were former Beatles artist Sir Paul McCartney, known for his Meat-Free Mondays campaign, and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, esteemed Chair of
the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who is also a vegetarian.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri – Chair, United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Vegetarian (M):  I think we have to use every means to mitigate the emissions of greenhouse gases, and I’d submit to you once again that cutting down on meat consumption would be an extremely effective way of doing so.

VOICE: Dr. Alan Dangour, co-author of a recent report published in the esteemed medical journal The Lancet that recommended reductions in meat consumption to save lives, also joined Sir Paul and Dr. Pachauri in the lively discussion.

Dr. Alan Dangour – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK (M): A greater awareness of the climate costs of all of our actions, including our choice about what we eat, is urgently needed. Surely cooling our love affair with animal source foods is a very small price to pay. 

VOICE: During this session, Sir Paul and Dr. Pachauri fielded questions from international journalists, including one from our Supreme Master Television correspondent.

Supreme Master Television correspondent: How do you think we can encourage people to
change their eating habits, education-wise, and also in the compassion issue?

Sir Paul McCartney –  Former Beatles musician, Vegetarian (M):  I think what needs to be done is to point out the dangers of not changing our eating habits. There are a lot of facts available. I think we just have to encourage people, to guide them, to help them make the transition. But I think it’s doable, it’s very possible.

VOICE: We send our gratitude, European Parliament members, Sir Paul McCartney, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri and other participants, for your efforts to address this most urgent matter of our time.

May all people quickly make the shift to the vegan diet for the safe continuation of life on Earth. As one who has been dedicated to safeguarding humanity's course on the planet, Supreme Master Ching Hai again called for adoption of the life-giving plant-based lifestyle during an April 2009 videoconference in South Korea.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We really need to stop global warming now, like yesterday, because I’m sorry to say that while all these green changes are good, there is still one action that must be on the top of the list, the most important one, which, once again, is the vegan diet.

The greenest of all the green policy, the greenest of all the green action, the most compassionate, the most heroic, the lifesaving action, the vegan diet. It will eliminate methane, one of the most heat-trapping greenhouse gases. And this will cool the planet the fastest and give us more time to exercise our green policy
or finding better technology. This is the most valuable step, the vegan step, that the governments could make, could encourage, could pass into law, could inform the people at large.

This is the realistic way, the only way that I know, the only way that I see that we can save the planet right now.

Extra News
A group of 11 news agencies, including Agence France-Presse (AFP), invites readers to a Facebook page titled “The Climate Pool” to interact with leading journalists for behind-the-scenes coverage of the climate summit in Copenhagen.

Residents of the small village of Shishmaref in Alaska, USA fear the loss of their entire community and culture to global warming-caused permafrost melt and coastal erosion, which has been toppling houses one by one.

Responding to claims that climate change is a fabricated phenomenon, US climatology expert Dr. James Hansen and British physicist Dr. Mike Lockwood state that evidence of human-caused global warming is formidably clear, with scientists worldwide expressing similar concern for our future if we don’t act quickly.

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research reports that analysis of long-term measurements from seven weather stations and ships shows that average temperatures in New Zealand have risen 1 full degree Celsius between 1931 and 2008.