Journalists remark on videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai - 1 Dec 2009  
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Journalists remark on videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai.
Held on November 8 in Washington DC, USA, “Humanity’s Leap into the Golden Era” united concerned participants to discuss the urgent matter of climate change in an exciting new light that included the constructive vision of overcoming the planet’s crisis through a vegan solution that would lead to an even brighter future.

The event had invited Supreme Master Ching Hai as the honored guest to share her thoughts on questions raised by a group of distinguished questioners, one of whom was US vegetarian journalist Marysol Varela of the Orlando Vegetarian Restaurants’ Examiner.

She later wrote an article sharing her impressions of the conference discussions. “The audience was given staggering facts about the harm that is being done to the world’s environment with our current destructive practices. …The most anticipated speaker of the evening was the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Her words of wisdom reached across the audience spreading hope and solutions to this impending global disaster.
Supreme Master suggested that by simply adopting a vegan diet, we can dramatically reduce our carbon footprint. Because meat eating is a major contributor of global warming, vegetarianism will reduce the demand for livestock.

She also speaks up for those animals which suffer and die every day in the hands of farmers by promoting a peaceful coexistence between all beings in the animal kingdom…. Once humanity has learned to work together to save our planet, then we will have advanced a step closer to the Golden Era.”

VOICE: In fact, as Supreme Master Ching Hai explained during the conference, it is humanity’s innate tendency to lead a noble, harmonious lifestyle.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  A compassionate vegan diet is the basic way of a higher being, a mark of a true human being. A true human being would never kill. A true being would never harm another, even if his own life is threatened. A real gentleman steps wisely, understanding that all beings are connected, and that by taking a life, he is compromising his own human spirit and bringing the bad retribution of killing upon him.  
We must all work together to bring Heaven closer to Earth.

VOICE: Our appreciation, journalist Marysol Varela, “Examiner” and all other media reporting on our planetary crisis. We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her efforts to encourage humanity toward a quick transition to the planet-saving organic vegan lifestyle. Let us all join this caring trend to secure our world’s welfare and to herald an Eden on Earth.

Antarctic melting could trigger mass extinction.
Following the release of reports that our planet is on track to experience a 6-degree Celsius temperature rise by the year 2100, new studies from the University of Texas, USA show that since 2006, eastern Antarctica has been shedding around 57 billion tons of ice each year. This study coincided with the recent sighting of hundreds of Antarctic icebergs that have broken away and are now floating towards New Zealand, an event that has caused officials to issue warnings for ships in the region.

Another study by the British Antarctic Survey states that past records, current temperature indications and total Antarctic ice volume measurements all point toward a 6 meter sea level rise in the coming years.
This finding has caused a revisiting of the 2007 report by UK’s Guardian news science journalist Mark Lynas, which describes the effects of such devastating climate-related change.

The report stated, “It would cause a mass extinction of almost all life and probably reduce humanity to a few struggling groups of embattled survivors clinging to life near the poles. Very few species could adapt in time to the abruptness of the transition.”  Mr. Lynas, UK Guardian, University of Texas and British Antarctic Survey scientists, we are grateful for your work in revealing these findings, despite their disturbing nature.

Let us act swiftly in loving stewardship of our ecosphere while there still is time. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the urgency of our planetary crisis while encouraging people to take action, as during an interview for the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The truth is that, scientifically speaking, we have a short time left because we have already waited too long to act. Leading scientists and organizations are now saying this as well, especially as they find that the tipping points, which indicate irreversible damage to the Earth, are being reached much faster than anyone had previously thought and calculated.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :: There are truly too many confirmations of the urgency of our planetary situation to even name. It is better we concentrate on the solution to save the Earth. We can still do it.
See, We need the solution, which is organic life-saving vegan diet, then our future is transformed. Life will quickly become better than what you could even imagine. So, let us all act now to ensure the future that we want, and the one we want for our children. That is Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.


Extra News
Climate change related heat, low water levels and drought cause thousands of fish to lay dead and rotting in the shallow waterways of Manaquiri city in Amazonas, Brazil, forcing a state of emergency and canceling classes for 2,500 children who travel by water to school.

Saying that he sees an agreement within reach, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urges all world leaders to work toward the passage of a legally binding treaty to halt climate change at the Copenhagen conference.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has joined his French and British counterparts in a pledge to support a US$10 billion per year fund that would help developing nations address climate change.  

The European Union has created a first ever Climate Change Commissioner role in the new European Commission, selecting Danish Minister for Climate and Energy Connie Hedegaard for the role.