USA Today - veganism is “taking root.” - News 31 Jan 2008  
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Wind turbine boom 'to create 200,000 jobs'

Major expansion planned for wind energy in the UK. Britain’s Wind Energy Association says that new European Commission proposals will require the construction of 20,000 additional wind turbines in the United Kingdom. This expansion is anticipated to create 200,000 new jobs in the renewable energy market. Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said, “I am optimistic that there will be huge opportunities for us as we become a low-carbon economy.” We laud your goals and thank you, Minister Wicks, United Kingdom, and all involved for this green expansion. May your endeavors bring both prosperity and a bright future for our planet.
Scientists pinpoint warming forecasts

Scientific research evolves from climate change warnings to specific recommendations. Researchers are shifting their focus from documenting and proving the existence of human-created climate warming to identifying which geographical areas are likely to be affected, and in which ways. Michael Jarraud, head of the World Meteorological Organization states, “We need to give indications which are at the scale countries can use to make decisions.” Our gratitude, scientists and organizations, for your diligent research in finding solutions to preserve our planet! Blessed be your efforts to save lives and our Earth.
Premiers meet in Vancouver to map strategy to tackle climate change

Global warming to be highlighted at meeting of Canadian premiers. Prime ministers from across Canada are meeting this week in Vancouver to discuss climate change cooperation and the economy. Leading the dialogs, British Columbia’s Premier Gordon Campbell, said, “I think all the premiers understand how important the climate change agenda is. We have to say to ourselves how do we make as much progress as possible.” We extend our gratitude to Your Excellencies and all the provinces of Canada for recognizing the urgency of environmental protection. With God’s guidance and your deep concerns, may the world unite in the same manner to safeguard our shared planetary home.
New Zealand leader wins UN environmental award

New Zealand premier receives environmental award. The United Nations has awarded New Zealand’s Prime Minister Helen Clark the 2008 Champions of the Earth award for her government’s commitment to addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development. The United Nations Environment Program said, “By setting carbon neutral goals for New Zealand, Clark has put her country at the forefront of today's environmental challenges.” Our most sincere appreciation, Prime Minister Clark, for your caring commitment and dedication. May God reward your shining efforts with evermore success for the benefit of our precious planet.
Maldives Builds Barriers to Global Warming

The Maldives calls for help in raising islands from sea-level. As the first country to sign the international Kyoto Protocol, the Republic of Maldives has already taken a proactive stance on the ocean’s rising waters. A sea wall encircles the entire capital city of Male. Now, President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom hopes to receive assistance from the international community for his latest project, which involves physically raising the nation’s islands to a higher and safer level. We respectfully applaud Your Excellency for your forward-thinking actions. May Allah’s blessings shine upon your efforts to ensure the wellbeing of the Maldivian people.
Schroders climate change fund

New fund invests in solutions to climate change. Launched in September 2007, Schroders Climate Change Fund is the latest of several funds choosing investments in companies that offer positive ways to address global warming. Simon Webber, Joint Fund Manager at Schroders, said, “Now is the time to adopt a global approach to what will be a major investment theme for the foreseeable future.” Kudos and thank you, Schroders and all other funds taking an environmentally positive approach during this critical time of our planet! May your investments yield fruitful returns both financially and for the benefit of our Earth.

Iran, Iraq sign accord on environment protection

Iran and Iraq agree to conserve shared natural resources. An agreement signed by the Head of Department of Environment in Iran, Fatemeh Vaez-Javadi, and the Iraqi Minister of Environment, Nermin Othman states that the two countries will cooperate on environmental conservation and the protection of precious shared natural resources. The accord covers areas such as pollution control and the promotion and study of other environmental concerns. Iran and Iraq, we are so glad to witness the brethren of your countries working together to preserve and beautify the world! May Allah’s blessings grace the people of your nations to grow in friendship, peaceful relations and sustainable living.
Baffin Island ice caps shrink by 50 percent since 1950s, says CU-Boulder study

Baffin Island ice caps could be gone in 50 years. American scientists report that the ice caps on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic have lost more than half their mass over the last 50 years, and could disappear entirely in the next 50. The scientists used radio carbon dating of plant material from the newly exposed areas and found that the ice caps are now smaller than at any time in at least the last 1,600 years. Thank you all scientists involved for your collaboration in researching this critical issue. May God bless the dedicated efforts of global citizens to conserve our planet’s resources and natural equilibrium.
Intel to buy green energy certificates

Intel becomes largest purchaser of green energy in the US. Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer, has announced it is offsetting its greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing 1.3 billion kilowatt hours of renewable energy certificates. The purchase of these carbon offsets will support the development of clean energy, such as wind, solar and biomass. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates these actions will be equivalent to removing 185,000 cars from the road each year. A big thank you, Intel, and Heaven bless you for your green leadership! With admirable efforts such as these, we pray that affordable renewable energy options will soon be available for all to return our earth to its original, life-sustaining state.

SunPower installs solar power at Sam's Club store

Wal-Mart goes solar. The SunPower Corporation recently completed the installation of a 390 kilowatt solar power system at a Wal-Mart Sam’s Club warehouse in California, USA. Wal-Mart, Inc. plans to convert 22 California and Hawaii stores to solar power in the coming months. Our sincere appreciation, Wal-Mart, for your leadership in the corporate transition to sustainable energy practices. May many more companies around the world join similarly in the growing green economy.
GM to Fill Historic Order for 1,700 Hybrid Buses

Hybrid buses becoming ‘bus of choice’ in US cities. New York, Houston, Minneapolis and other cities are placing orders for hybrid buses to add to their existing fleets. City transit agencies are accelerating the use of hybrid vehicles because of their efficiency and benefit to the environment. A salute and our warmest thanks, all cities getting on board to save the environment by developing green alternatives in your mass transit systems! May many passengers enjoy the fresh air of their cleaner rides.

USA Today, a newspaper with the widest circulation in the United States, states that veganism is “taking root.”

USA Today states “it’s hip to be vegan.” USA Today, which has the widest circulation of all American newspapers, recently published an article stating that veganism is “taking root” in the United States. The article reports a growing trend in the nation, with consumers developing an awareness of the connection between our diets and the health of both our bodies and the environment. Bravo, Americans, for your kind consideration in adopting the way of compassion to save our animal co-inhabitants and the future of our planet! May the Providence guide more toward the life- and environment-saving benefits of a vegan diet!