China plans to shut down 13 mln kw of coal-fired power capacity in 2008 - News 2 Feb 2008  
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China plans to shut down 13 mln kw of coal-fired power capacity in 2008

China closes coal-based power plants. The Chinese government has announced plans to shut down several coal-fired power stations in 2008 in an effort to save energy and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The plant closures will eliminate 13 million kilowatts of inefficient energy production. With deep gratitude, we thank you China for your diligent commitment to the environment. May Heaven bless your efforts in making our planet’s future green and bright.

Prize for animal friendly areas

New award honors eco-conscious Northern Irish communities. The Northern Ireland Amenity Council (NIAC) recently launched a new award honoring local councils and communities for protecting regional biodiversity. The NIAC’s Best Kept award in the Go Wild category acknowledges successful efforts to preserve wildlife habitat and protect the country’s flora and fauna. Our appreciation, Northern Ireland Amenity Council, for recognizing the importance of sustainable living. We hope more people are inspired and “go wild” to preserve our beautiful ecosphere.

Charles to give climate change talk

Britain’s Prince Charles to speak to European Parliament on climate change. A spokesperson for the Prince of Wales said that the trip will “raise the profile of climate change in the European Union. It will also advance key British Government priorities in the promotion of climate change, inter-faith dialogue, sustainable development, and social cohesion.” To conserve energy, Prince Charles is travelling to Brussels by rail as opposed to flying. We offer our heartfelt appreciation, Your Royal Highness, for your vision, leadership, and commitment to saving our Earth. May God bestow many fruitful results for your dedicated efforts.

Kremlin Urges Environmental Improvements

Russian leaders call for environmental measures to protect public health and the economy. President Vladmir Putin and his likely successor, Dmitry Medvedev, are calling for new ideas and laws to foster the development of an environmentally-clean economy. The leaders stated their belief that Russia’s future economic prosperity was dependent upon good stewardship of the earth. President Putin said, “Working to protect nature must become the systematic, daily duty of state authorities at all levels.” We sincerely thank you, Your Excellencies, for urging your fellow citizens to preserve the environment! May Heaven grant the people of Russia with abundance and happiness as we all strive to protect our planet.

Cambodian conservation work — not just a man’s world

Women are heroes in Cambodia. Women are working as hard as the men to protect wildlife in remote areas of the country. One example is Hy Somaly, a Phnong indigenous woman, who works with her own people, Khmer neighbors, and colleagues from overseas to spread the word about saving wildlife. A special salute to the eco-heroes of Cambodia for your courage and determination to preserve the forest for all its inhabitants. May Buddha shower blessings upon you and your life-sustaining work.

Indigenous peoples win conservation successes in Chile
Indigenous community receives conservation area in Chile. The government of Chile has granted the indigenous Pehuenche community land rights to a forest conservation area of 22,000 acres in the southern part of the country. The grant is the culmination of almost 20 years of efforts to protect the forests, which are home to the ancient and rare Araucaria or monkey puzzle tree. Our congratulations Pehuenche community! We join you in celebrating this victory for Mother Nature. May Chile continue to be blessed with wise leadership in protecting her lush forests and biodiversity.

Canadian provinces eye carbon-trading plan

Canadian provinces plan on climate change solutions. The Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and Manitoba are considering the adoption of carbon-trading plans in order to meet eventual emission caps. This is being done in accordance with the Western Climate Initiative, a program supported by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Province leaders met this week on how Canada can adjust to the already-visible effects of climate change. A big thank you, Canadian leaders, for taking initiative to ease global warming. May God grace your endeavors with fruitful results for the benefit of your citizens and all inhabitants on our beautiful planet.

Meeting of German, Spanish leaders to focus on environment

Spain and Germany hold 21st summit meeting. Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the Spanish island of Mallorca. The leaders agreed to continue their close collaboration on important issues like the economy, renewable energy initiatives and climate change. Bravo Germany and Spain! We’re encouraged by your warm cooperation. We pray that all world leaders work together in taking meaningful action to preserve our life-giving planet.

IP5280 Launches Tree Replanting Initiative in Wake of Colorado Pine Beetle Devastation

Internet phone company promises to plant a tree for every new customer. The US Internet phone company IP5280 Communications has pledged to plant several thousand trees in needed areas to help replenish Colorado’s lush mountains. In collaboration with Plant-It-2020, IP5280 continues its innovative green initiatives by planting a tree for every new customer. Hats off, IP5280 and Plant-It-2020, for providing this positive eco-opportunity for businesses and consumers. Heaven smiles upon your goals to help revive our planet.
Thousands of trees for Soweto

Beautifying Soweto with thousands of trees. Since Executive Mayor Amos Masondo launched the “Greening Soweto” project in September 2006, more than 51,000 trees have been planted in Soweto township, South Africa. To welcome the 2010 World Cup and further beautify the country's biggest township, the city plans to plant 250,000 more. Thank you, Mayor Amos Masondo and township participants for your efforts to green Soweto and beautify the world. May Providence guide your country in abundant health, prosperity and success!

Study shows hurricane impact of warmer Atlantic

UK researchers find warmer sea temperatures substantially increase hurricanes. Scientists at the University College London studied hurricane activity in the tropical North Atlantic between 1950 and 2000. They revealed that a one-half degree Celsius increase in the surface temperature of the seas resulted in a 40% increase in hurricane activity. We extend our thanks, British scientists, for this timely research in highlighting the immediate effects of global warming. We pray that our world will adopt protective changes to preserve our loving home and her inhabitants.

Israeli-led venture develops auto hydrogen fuel tank

Researchers develop feasible hydrogen energy-fueled cars. A research venture led by Israel, with joint efforts from Russia and Germany, has developed a light weight hydrogen tank that could be an alternative to gasoline and electric automobiles. Unlike existing hydrogen vehicles, C.En uses hydrogen gas and seems to have solved the original hydrogen storage problems of volume, safety, and weight. Kudos C.En researchers and developers for your stellar work in the field of hydrogen technology. May divine blessings shower upon your endeavors in leading to a cleaner, greener planet!

World's big polluters note change in U.S. climate stance

US hosts climate change meeting. The 16 largest greenhouse gas emitters meet in Honolulu, Hawaii this week to discuss the best ways of addressing global warming. One of the major goals is to have an international accord on emissions limits in place by 2009 to replace the Kyoto Treaty. Germany's minister for the environment, Matthias Machnig stated, “We need a clear international agreement because we are running out of time." Our appreciation and Heaven’s blessings, international delegates, for your concerted efforts to bring a more sustainable society. We are heartened to know of your commitment to limiting emissions for the future of our life-sustaining planet.

France to review biofuel use on environmental concerns

France evaluates environmental concerns of bio-fuels. France is considering a change of her bio-fuel use policy after several international reports raised question about on the final environmental impact of this ‘green fuel’ technology. The French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) is thus reviewing production practices, with a main focus on second generation bio-fuels made from plant waste rather than grains or vegetable oils. We are grateful, France, for your concern about the true “cost” of bio-fuels! May Heaven bless our Earth planet with innovative technologies that support sustainable development for all life forms.