MUSIC & POETRY Heartfelt Plea to the World - Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Newest Poems and Song Adaptations: Please Don’t Go & Please Wake Up! (In Aulacese)   
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HOST: Our world today is facing the issue of climate change. The phenomenon has frequently brought on grim disasters, causing untold material damages as well as deaths to Earth’s inhabitants. In 2008 alone, there were five major hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean region. The 2008 Cyclone Nargis devastated the lives of millions in Myanmar (Burma).

That was followed by the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in Formosa (Taiwan), massive flooding throughout Asia and South America, prolonged droughts across Africa and the United States, plus heat waves and deadly wildfires in Australia and Europe.

Sea level rises have sunk at least 18 islands, and 40 other islands are sinking or at the risk of sinking. Each day, from the tropical forests of Latin America to the Great Barrier Reef in the oceans, up to 270 species of plants and animals are becoming extinct, no longer able to appear on our beautiful Earth. According to a 2009 report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, grave consequences from global warming, such as droughts, flooding and mass extinctions, are becoming worse than predictions made just several years before.

According to the World Bank, the increasingly arid African nations of Malawi and Sudan were found to suffer the most from droughts, seriously threatening food production for their people. Bangladesh was the country cited as most heavily affected by global warming-induced flooding, followed by China and India, while the country most likely to be hit by storms was the Philippines. In addition, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) joined the low-lying island nations in being most impacted by rising sea levels, with up to 35% of her people suffering hardship if sea levels were to rise by 5 meters.

An October 2009 report by the World Wildlife Fund indicated that the Greater Mekong Basin region, upon which 65 million people in Southeast Asia depend, is being threatened by the rising sea level, as well as floods, droughts, coastal erosion, and heat waves.

What has brought on all these devastating changes? In 2006, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization published a report titled “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” revealing that the livestock sector accounted for 18% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

Most recently, in October 2009, the US-based Worldwatch Institute published findings from a study by World Bank advisers stating that livestock accounted for at least 51% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions of human-induced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (NO2) are heating up the planet's atmosphere at alarming rates, destabilizing Earth's balance, and thereby threatening the lives of all its inhabitants and civilizations.

Shining World Hero LaureateThe Chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, a distinguished scientist and 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, warned that without immediate action, there would be no way of escaping the dangers of rising sea levels and the immeasurable consequences of high temperatures on such areas as water supplies, health, and food production.

Shining World Hero Laureate Dr. James Hansen, world leading climate scientist and head of the NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, remarked, “We are at a crisis point now because we are very close to passing tipping points in the climate system that would have very undesirable consequences.”

According to planet scientists, how different a planetary state we are heading toward can be compared to our neighboring planets of Venus and Mars. Scientists discovered that there is evidence of both Venus and Mars once having Earth-like conditions including oceans and a stable climate. There are continual new findings
of past glacial melt, evaporated lakes, and methane on Mars, and Venus’ stifling gas-filled atmosphere still today – all these indicate a clear precedent of a runaway global warming catastrophe.

Dr. David Grinspoon, US astrobiologist and Venus Express Interdisciplinary Scientist of European Space Agency, suggested we can learn from these examples and not push our own Earth’s climate into dangerous directions.

To help humankind cope with climate change, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been working tirelessly. She minds not the costs in terms of her time, energy, finances or health in order to sound the wake-up bell concerning the imperiled state of the Earth, as well as to promote the most effective solution, and that is the organic vegan lifestyle. To date, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been invited to lecture on climate change over 40 times in various countries on the 6 continents, namely, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Australia. Government leaders, members of the media, and representatives of religions and educational institutions were present and participated in the dialogue.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has also accepted invitations for interviews by journalists and reporters from newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations to explain more about the ways to halt climate change on our planet.

In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai has reserved some time for our Association members around the world to respond to their questions about global warming. Through her numerous lectures, discussions, interviews and conferences worldwide, Supreme Master Ching Hai has inspired vast numbers of people to choose to be vegetarian.

Supreme Master Ching Hai herself since childhood has been vegetarian and living green; she reminds us to lead a moral and spiritual way of life, and to always remember the Divine.

In two videoconferences with Supreme Master Television staff, Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared her deep knowledge on Mars and Venus. These planets once supported life and living beings similar to ourselves, but unfortunately were destroyed due to their aggressive lifestyle and lack of spiritual development.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Benevolent Messages from Mars: Be Virtuous & Save the Earth” Los Angeles, California, USA – January 18, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The mass extinction came; they die, not only humans, but the animals also; they die by two main poisonous gases. Namely, hydrogen sulfide and nitrous oxide, plus methane as the third course. Sulfide and methane from the livestocks had begun to warm the climate and then triggered more other gases from the ocean, from permafrost and glacier around their planet. Just like what is happening to our planet right now.

The destruction happened too fast and no one can help anyone. Only 0.2% of them escaped, around 2 millions, into the underground caves. And that’s how they survive.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Benevolent Messages from Mars: Be Virtuous & Save the Earth”Los Angeles, California, USA – January 18, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They passed on the knowledge of what happened of their planet to their children and grandchildren, even though it’s 40 million years ago. They retain the history of what happened, so that the descendants know how to take care of what they have and not to be careless, and not to be so destructive anymore but more virtue and spiritual.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Benevolent Messages from Mars: Be Virtuous & Save the Earth” Los Angeles, California, USA – January 18, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It’s not for human to even restore this kind of catastrophically destructed planet. But the planet will revive itself by natural process. Yes, 1 million years more and Mars will be inhabitable.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Small bushes will begin to grow and then weeds and grass and then fruit trees, etc, etc. Rivers and streams and sea will begin to form again. And gradually human and animals
will be able to settle on Mars’ surface again.

Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed that there have actually been four Venus-like planets in our galaxy. Two were destroyed and two survived, with fates that were determined by their inhabitants’ level of virtue.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “The Secrets of Venus” Los Angeles, California, USA – August 29, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: In the hot Venus, even the core of the planet was also full of hot and poisonous gas. So no life can exist. The size of the disintegrated, it’s similar to Mars.
But the other two Venus are very cool, very good. They have no war at all. So more or less, they are balanced with the karmic law. Some years ago I said if we have two-thirds of the planet population vegetarian, then we could have saved the planet too. But now it’s too late. Now we need the whole planet population to be compassionate, vegan being the best.

Supreme Master Ching Hai also shared a loving message from Mars for Earth’s inhabitants. They expressed their thoughts as follows, with the hope of helping us ensure our continued survival.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai“Benevolent Messages from Mars: Be Virtuous & Save the Earth” Los Angeles, California, USA – January 18, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There were two messages. The first one is from the Counsel of the People. And there are only two words from them: “Be Virtuous.” And the second message is from the Chairman of the People. He said: “Save your home before it’s too late.” Save your home before it’s too late, that’s what they said.

The International Red Cross estimates that presently there are 25 million climate refugees – these people are forced to leave their beloved homes due to climate change effects. The current global situation makes us ponder what changes we should be making while we still have a choice.

HOST:  Respected viewers, in today's program, we are honored to present two newest poetic compositions by Supreme Master Ching Hai. “Please Don’t Go” and “Please Wake Up!” are words from the heart, an earnest message from Supreme Master Ching Haito the world, as she calls upon us to return to love so that
there shall be no more hatred and violence on this earthly realm, but instead for it to blossom into a blissful Paradise in accordance with God's will. These two poems are specially recited by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Please join us.

Please Wake Up! (Hãy Bừng Tỉnh)
Poem written & recited by Supreme Master Ching Hai

O world, wake up and behold
Rivers and mountains are in tumult
Burnt forests, eroded hills, desiccated streams
Whither do the poor souls go in the end?

O great Earth, lessened be your agony
For these tears to wane with the persistent night.
O seas and lakes, cease not your melodies
Allowing hope for a morrow among humanity...

O sentient beings, have respite in the realm beyond
Though you departed without any utterance.
Let the throbbing of my heart abate
While I await Earthlings’ timely repentance.

O deep forests, preserve your true selves
Protect the human race in their moments of erring.
Please accept my heartfelt thousand teardrops
To nurture your majestic trees, leaves and roots.

O heart, relent your sobbing
For my soul to rest in long nights.
Tears dried up and I’m wordless
Weeping in sympathy for the tormented!

O night, please kindle your source of light
Shine the way for those human souls in darkness
Be serene for my mind to still
And enter emptiness with the miraculous celestial melody.

O day, stir not sudden unrests
For peace to repose in our very hearts
For humankind’s struggles to subside
For the true Self to gloriously shine!

O heart of mine, lament no longer
Like an insect writhing in the chilling winter.
Calmly wait for a perfect tomorrow
And the day the world turns into Paradise.

O, I cry, I plead, I pray, I beg!
O, infinite Buddhas,
Bodhisattvas, angels
Deliver souls straying from the True Path.
Wandering in the endless cycle of suffering migration.

O brother, wake up at once!
Proudly walk on great seas and rivers
Look straight at the flaming sun
And vow sacrifice to save all beings.

O sister, wake up this instant!
Arise from places of devastation
Together let’s renew our planet
For all to sing joyous songs of oneness.
For all to sing joyous songs of oneness.

Please Don’t Go (Hãy Dừng Lại)
Poem written & recited by Supreme Master Ching Hai

Don’t go, leaving an elderly mother and innocent siblings!
There’s no real hatred among us human beings.
Battlefields have but guns, swords and hostility,
While here a warm home welcomes your company.

Don’t go, wreaking suffering on others.
There’s no real animosity, only thirst for power!
Countless corpses lie shriveledto expand an empire,
Whereas here only love, peace and safety thrive.

Don’t go, deserting a gentle father and pious children.
There’s no real enmity, just trickery!
An entire nation destroyed for a few mortals to gloat,
While here carefree kites sail in the sky serene.

Don’t go further on the path
Of vengeful ghosts and shrieking demons.
A soldier’s life crushed  in the foreign land –
A soul lost in the dusty wind of murky realms!

O darling, please halt your steps!
Hold these hands of your loving wife:
Please feel for your family, country and the world
Why have the heart to sow misery and death?

Cease your grasp, won’t you please?
Don’t brandish the sword for vows that are so bloody.
Look again at your “eternal enemies” –
Are they not also humans, my love?

Sit by me, and calm your mind
Listen to the spirits astray wandering for thousands of lifetimes
In the howling wind and rain,
their heart-wrenching cries
Lamenting karmic debts in a war of bygone days!

Either we die or others perish
A vibrant future suddenly snuffed out in the prime of life!
All the affection, family and friends
Vanished with a spiteful heart in a pool of bitter blood.

A human existence full of vim and vigor,
Youthful dreams with sky-high aspirations,
Washed away with a stream of hot blood in one rushed instant
Chilly wind blows yellow dust on the ground of combat!

Please stay with me, together we can honor life.
Our neighbors, relatives and parents will be just nearby.
There are tender rice and succulent potatoes, romantic rivers and dreamy seas
A long levee bedecked with flowering fields.

Many heroes and heroines, present and past
Have saved myriad beings from bloodshed.
They’ve built peace and prosperity,
Replacing wars with wondrous truths since eternity.

Taking lives, we’ll have to pay with our own.
How can we rejoice in causing demise and separation?
Only boundless, lasting compassion
Shall make us great among all creation...

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