Beras dan Kacang Polong Jamaika, Cita Rasa Kelapa Favorit      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

2 cups basmati or Uncle Ben’s brand rice
3 sprigs thyme
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 stalks scallion, crushed
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 pint green pigeon peas or red kidney beans (precooked)
½–1 cup coconut milk (more, if desired)
2½ cups water (or required amount for rice cooker)
1 Scotch bonnet pepper

  1. Prepare the coconut milk.
  2. Soak the raw peas overnight in 2-4 cups of water with about 1 tablespoon of salt.
  3. Add fresh ginger root into the peas.
  4. Put the rice that has been rinse well into the rice cooker.
  5. Add in 2 cups of water just enough to cover the rice.
  6. Add in the chopped garlic, the blackpepper, and then the peas.
  7. Add in the scallion.
  8. Add in half cup of coconut milk.
  9. Add in 3 sprigs of thyme.
  10. And the last thing, add in the scotch bonnet pepper.
  11. Cook the rice with all the ingredients.
  12. When the rice is already cooked, take out the spices and then the rice and peas are ready.
  13. The rice can be served by itself or with vegan chicken, vegan fish, or anything.

File NO: 1005
Cari Resep Vegan