Spesial Tahun Baru Imlek: * Hot Pot China * Puding Reuni "Tuan Yuan" - 1 Januari 2009   
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Chinese Hot Pot Reunion Pudding

Chinese Hot Pot
1 pot of filtered water
Fruit (i.e. apple, pear, zucchini, cucumber, squash)
2 tablespoons of mushroom seasoning
1 tablespoon of salt
2 tablespoons of soya sauce
Apple juice or fruit sugar
or jam (optional)
Coriander powder
Five perfume seasoning
Ground black pepper
Green beans
Green pepper
Yellow pepper
Snow peas
Baby corn
Vermicelli Noodles (transparent)

Reunion Pudding
Filtered water
Fruit sugar
400 grams glutinous rice flour
Red bean paste
Pinch of salt
Vanilla or other flavoring (optional)
Sesame powder

Chinese Hot Pot

  1. Boil the ver

Cari Resep Vegan