[Part4]Cooking over a Wood Fire with Supreme Master Ching Hai - Peppered Veggie Meat With Sweet Potatoes &Stir Fried Potatoes   
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Cherry tomatoes
Stir Fried Potatoes
Red onions (optional)
2-3 Tbsp olive oil/sunflower oil/
corn oil
2- Tbsp Maggi/soy sauce
mushroom seasoning (other powder seasonings)
2 Tbsp apple juice
Black pepper
Peppered Veggie Meat With Sweet Potatoes
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 package peppered vegetarian meat (veggie ham, veggie beef)
Red onions
2 medium size purple, red
or white sweet potatoes
2cooking spoons of juice (apple)
or raw sugar/refined sugar
Mushroom seasoning/
veggie powder seasoning/veggie cube
½ cooking spoon of Maggi
½ cooking spoon of thick soy sauce/
soy paste/vegetarian stir fry sauce
2 cooking spoon of water

Stir Fried Potatoes
  1. Heat up about 2-3 tablespoons

Cari Resep Vegan