Gulai Kol Tradisional Bavaria yang Tajam dan Lezat (dalam bahasa Jerman)      
¼ cabbage (or a small one)
5 potatoes
4 carrots
1 small shallot
1 liter vegetable broth
1 package (500 grams) sauerkraut Vegan tofu wienerwursts
1 tablespoon oil
Served with:
Non-alcoholic beer

1. Peel the carrots, cut them into thumb size
2. Cut the potatoes and cabbage, onion also
3. Add some oil to the pot
4. Saute carrot, cabbage with shallot until onion becomes gold color
5. Pour in 1 liter with dissolved vegetable broth in it. And add one more liter.
6. Cook until the cabbage sinks down and then add potato and sauerkraut
7. Wait until potato is fully cooked(around 15min)
8. Cut the vegan sausage into finger size and add in the pot
9. Stir them around
10. Serve with baguette and non-alcoholic beer


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File NO: 900
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