Tudomány és Spiritualítás
Rene Jorgensen: Előtérbe kerülnek a halálközeli élmények - 1/2 rész   
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Welcome, wonderful viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Today in the first in a two-part program, we are privileged to visit with Rene Jorgensen of Denmark, founder of NDE Light,
a non-profit organization with the mission to share information and research on near death experiences (NDEs) with the public. In 2000, Mr. Jorgensen had a profound experience where he left his physical body and entered into another dimension. There he encountered a brilliant light which filled his whole being with infinite and boundless love.

(Rene -= male)
Rene Jorgensen (m): I used to be your average business guy, you know, maybe a little selfish, narcissistic - and you know a product of a modern culture, until I went on a journey to India and that's when I had my personal spiritual awakening. I had a very deep, profound spiritual experience that radically changed my life and the way I look at life. From that moment on, I changed the direction of my life. I started my own spiritual walk, I came across a near death experience and I figured out that that was actually very similar to my own spiritual experience.

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