Tudomány és Spiritualítás
Thoại Khanh és Châu Tuấn - 3/3 rész (Au Lac-i nyelven)   

Goswami(m): I often say that, “Look, scientific evidence for God is already here.” That’s given.
Because so much evidence now exists in this, on so many diverse phenomena in psychology, in biology,
in medicine. And physics, of course, has quantum measurement. So, we can rest that question aside. God is already proven scientifically, both in theory and experiment.

Welcome, kind viewers, to Science and Spirituality.
Dr. Goswami has been a professor of physics and a member of the Institute of Theoretical Science at the University of Oregon, USA since 1968.

He is the author of 12 books, including a well regarded university textbook on quantum mechanics, and a series of popular physics and spirituality works, including “God is Not Dead,” and his latest, “Creative Evolution.”
Dr Goswami has also gained recognition by appearing in the popular 2004 documentary “What the Bleep
Do We Know?” and the 2009 award-winning documentary, of which he is the subject, “The Quantum Activist.”

For more abou Dr.Amit Godswami,
please visit www.amitgoswami.org

Information on the documentary "The Quantum Activist" is available at

Books by Dr. Goswami available at amazon.com

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