Samoa and the UK ratify ban on cluster munitions. - 7 May 2010  
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On May 4, the United Kingdom became the 32nd nation to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions at the United Nations. Just a week earlier on April 28, Samoa had also ratified the agreement. As one of the most significant international disarmament treaties, the Convention bans the use, production, stockpiling and transfer of cluster weapons, while obligating participating nations to clear all contaminated land within 10 years and be rid of all stockpiles within eight.

Currently, 106 countries have signed the agreement, which is set to become international law on August 1 for the 32 states that have ratified it thus far.

Our accolades, United Kingdom and Samoa, on these significant advancements toward peace.
Blessed be such endeavors in hastening the arrival of an arms-free world where shared understanding and respect are the norm among all peoples.
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