US First Lady calls for healthier food to curb child obesity. - 19 Mar 2010  
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At the invitation of the Grocery Manufacturers Association Science Forum, First Lady Michelle Obama addressed representatives from 300 major companies in Washington, DC USA where she urged them to accelerate their production of foods that help minimize childhood obesity.

Advocating in particular reduced salt, fat, and sugar for children, the First Lady said, “We need you not to just tweak around the edges but entirely rethink the products you are offering, the information that you provide about these products, and how you market those products to our children."
As her talk concluded, attendees gave a standing ovation.

Michelle Obama: Our goal is to focus on the importance of educating our kids about healthy eating; to highlight the little ways that each of us can add more healthy fruits and vegetables to our diet, something that I think about all the time as a mother.

We want our children to eat right, not just because it's the right thing to do but because quite frankly healthy good food tastes good and we want them to experience that.

First Lady Obama, we join in lauding your caring campaign for providing better food choices to our children. May youths in the US and across the globe enjoy the wholesome goodness of foods such as fresh fruits and veggies to flourish in health and vitality.

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