Russia and US treaty limits nuclear weapons - 07 Feb 2011  
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Russia and US treaty limits nuclear weapons. On Saturday, February 5, the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) was officially enacted through the exchange of ratification documents by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Under the new 10-year accord, the two countries will eliminate 30% of their nuclear arsenals, and will also permit mutual inspections. Following the meeting, Foreign Minister Lavrov affirmed the level of responsibility that the two countries should have for the safety of the world, while Secretary Clinton described the agreement as a milestone in the partnership between their nations.

Our respectful accolades, Your Excellencies, Russia and United States for these promising steps toward peace. May the world soon be freed of all such harmful weapons as we look forward to a global society in which all beings may thrive in harmony and shared respect.,comes-force-summary.html 
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