Latin American leaders call for funding of peaceful endeavors - 29 Jan 2011  
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Latin American leaders call for funding of peaceful endeavors. Making the first visit by a Uruguayan leader in over 25 years, President Jose Mujica was welcomed by Peruvian President Alan Garcia. Among the topics discussed was Latin American integration as well as a reallocation of funds currently directed toward weapons purchase to instead benefit the impoverished. President Garcia called for peace and regional disarmament, stating, “Our countries need resources to help the people who are in poverty.” President Mujica responded, “Let’s stop fooling around and spending so much money on arms when we .... owe so much to poor people who have been forgotten and ignored.” The two leaders also signed four bilateral agreements on migration, health, port infrastructure and diplomacy.

Our respectful accolades, Your Excellencies, for your historic meeting and noble advancements of peace. May your uplifting vision to better the lives of those in need further the prospering of your beautiful countries and all people in Latin America.
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