African journalists receive honors - 30 Jul 2009  
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CNN and South African telecommunication company Multichoice presented the 2009 CNN-Multichoice African Journalist of the Year Awards.

Mr. John-Allan Namu, a reporter from Kenya Television Network, was the recipient of the top accolade as Africa’s best journalist.

He was also the first to win in two categories, the Television Features and Television News Awards.
Fourteen other individual categories were also recognized during the ceremony in Durban, South Africa. Winners received a cash prize and laptop computer with printer, and Mr. Namu will also be sponsored for a three-week CNN Journalism Fellowship in Georgia, USA.

Our accolades, Mr. Namu and all other awardees, for your outstanding dedication and accomplishments.
May the Divine keep you safe in your noble duties of accurately reporting on the timely events of our world.
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