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Gardening tip-some useful ways to use a plastic laundry basket
I’m Cock-a-Doodle Dandy with today’s gardening tip. Here are some useful ways to use a plastic laundry basket. When you're going out to work in the garden, use the basket to carry hand tools, gloves, seeds, and fertilizer. When you're finished gardening, put all the weeds and clippings in your handy basket and carry them to the compost pile. Also, when harvesting root crops such as beetroots, turnips, or carrots, just leave them in the basket while you wash them with the garden hose. That’s the tip for today.
Here is a natural way to keep moths out of your cupboards
I’m Uncle Oinkster the Pig bringing you today’s household tip. Here is a natural way to keep moths out of your cupboards. Peel an orange and cut the peel into very small pieces. Put the orange peel pieces in some cotton fabric and tie it with a ribbon or string. Put this in your cupboard to protect your clothes from moths.
conserves production and packaging energy, and reduces pollution
I’m Lamberta the Sheep, your host for the tip of the day. Today’s tip conserves production and packaging energy, and reduces pollution. If you buy “long life” products like batteries and light bulbs, or “concentrated” products, like juices and detergents, you’ll help prevent more products from ending up in a landfill. That’s one more way of reducing our carbon footprint.
Speed up ironing with aluminum foil
I’m Bearnard the Bear with today’s tip. Speed up ironing with aluminum foil. When you iron clothing, a lot of the iron's heat is absorbed by the board itself, requiring you to make several passes to remove wrinkles. To speed things up, put a piece of aluminum foil under your ironing board cover. The foil will reflect the heat back through the clothing, smoothing wrinkles more easily and quickly. That way we can save more energy.
One way to remove dampness in closets
I’m JennyPurrrr the Cat presenting today’s handy tip. If you have dampness in closets, here is one way to remove it. Fill an empty coffee can with charcoal pieces. Place this container on the closet floor, and make holes in the cover. The charcoal will absorb the moisture. For larger closets, use 2 or 3 cans.
Environmental tip-What a good way to save water.
I’m Clucky the Chicken, and you’re just in time for today’s simple environmental tip. Keep a plastic bucket in the shower to catch the cold water while you are waiting for it to warm up and use this to water your plants later. What a good way to save water.
Nutrition tip-Soaking wholesome brown rice
I’m Rufie the Dog with today’s nutrition tip. Soaking wholesome brown rice makes it more digestible, allowing you to absorb more of the nutrients. Soaking also reduces cooking time, which saves energy. Thanks for your attention.
Gardening tip-put the fertilizer just a few inches below the surface
I’m Skippy the Rabbit, your host for today’s gardening tip. For most garden plants, the roots only go as deep as 6 inches into the soil, so there is no need to put fertilizer into the soil deeper than that. If you put the fertilizer just a few inches below the surface, it will seep down when the plants are watered. We wish you a beautiful summer garden.
Stop doors from creaking and squeaking(TIP)
You’re just in time for the tip of the day with me, Oinky the Piglet. Here's a quick and handy tip that will stop doors from creaking and squeaking. Using a pencil, go over all the joints in your hinges. Move the door back and forward a few times and repeat the whole process. The graphite in the pencil lubricates the hinges and won't promote rust.
Personal choices do make a difference
I’m Mooyi the Cow, relaying some tips that were given at this year’s annual European Union “Green Week.” Members of the European parliament made suggestions about ways to address climate change. Dutch representative Dorette Corbey said, “Personal choices do make a difference. So, become vegetarian, insulate your home, and don't fly to your holiday destination this summer.”
Walking improves circulation and digestion, strengthens the heart
I’m Billy the Goat, sharing with you a few simple ways to get exercise and stay in shape. A great form of exercise is walking. To create opportunities for walking, park your car a few blocks from the supermarket or work, or simply get off the bus or train a stop before your destination and walk the rest of the way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and take a stroll after lunch. Walking improves circulation and digestion, strengthens the heart, and enhances the absorption of calcium.
Avoid environments conducive to smoking for at least the first few weeks
Today’s health tips on Noteworthy News are for quitting smoking. If you or someone you love are trying to stop, we hope you find these tips helpful. Avoid environments conducive to smoking for at least the first few weeks. Treat yourself with the money you save from not buying cigarettes. Schedule a reward for every smoke-free day, week and month. Replace the old habit with a new and healthier one.
Energy saving tip - Use full loads in your washing machine
I’m Lionardo the Lion, bringing you today’s energy saving tip. Little tips, like these, may add up to a cleaner planet and financial savings: Use full loads in your washing machine. This will keep your weekly wash number down, saving water, electricity and soap, which all help to protect our environment.
Dry beans are perhaps one of nature's near perfect foods.
Halo, I’m Herrrrman the Horse. Thanks for tuning in for the nutrition tip of the day, on Noteworthy News – Positive News for a Better World. Unknown to most people, dry beans are perhaps one of nature's near perfect foods. They're tasty, high-fiber low-fat cholesterol-reducing, and loaded with vitamins and minerals. Beans have a large amount of protein, but they also contain a complex sugar, called oligosaccharides. This type of sugar is indigestible and produces gas in the stomach. By soaking the beans overnight, we will soften them, and converts the indigestible sugars. In addition, nutrients from the beans are more readily absorbed if they’re soaked before cooking. That’s the health tip for the day
Slugs and snails can eat everything in your garden
Slugs and snails can eat everything in your garden. Here is one way of saving your plants. Snails and slugs love grapefruit rind, so put out a few emptied grapefruit halves, face down, in your garden. The following day, kindly collect our little friends and transport them to a safe home in the wild.
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21 ~ 25
::: SOS Globális felmelegedés :::
MEGOLDÁSOK a BOLYGÓNAK Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mestertől
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