A körülöttünk lévő világ
Zsidó gyökerek a németországi Kölnben - a Roonstrasse zsinagóga (héberül)   

Guide (m):  The synagogue in its structure corresponds to the ground plan, symbolically to the ground plan of the Temple. In the temple there was the women’s courtyard. It was behind the men’s courtyard.  So the women’s courtyard would be the gallery. The men’s courtyard here would be the men’s synagogue. The steps that lead up to… to the reading desk; there were 15 steps in the temple according to the 15 Pilgrimage Psalms, yeah, from Psalm 120 to 134. There were 15 steps that lead to the sanctuary.

The sanctuary here is symbolized through both of the candelabra. There were 10 of it in the temple, 10 seven-armed candelabra. The great reading desk would be the sacrificial altar, on which the fire was not allowed to die.  The Holy of Holies and sanctuary were separated by a curtain. And within the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant with the Commandment tablets. Yes. The eternal light is there to remind us that our service is a sacrificial service.

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