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Bethlehem: A szent gyermek szülőhelye (arabul)   

Greetings, bright viewers. Welcome to The World Around Us on Supreme Master Television.
Bethlehem is known as one of the most sacred cities in the Holy Land and perhaps even throughout the world. Located 9 kilometers from Jerusalem, Bethlehem was already a prestigious city with a rich history starting around 15century BC. Known as the City of David, Bethlehem is where King David wasborn and was anointed in the 10th century BC. It was also the city where the Patriach Jacob chose to build the shrine of his beloved wife Rachel, which is Judaism’s third most important holy site. But Bethlehem is perhaps best known for being the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Peace Be Upon Him. Indeed, because of his birth, Bethlehem has become the holy site for Judaism, Christianity and Muslim alike for the past 2,000 years. There are about 32.000 inhabitants in the city of Bethlehem today; 40% are Christian and 60% are Muslims.

In an interview with Supreme Master Television, the Honorable Mayor of Bethlehem Dr. Victor Batarseh told us that all co-citizens share a special affection for the city and cherish the memory their hometown has to offer to humanity.


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