The Independent said Going meat-free holds the key to solving the global food crisis. - News 18 Apr 2008  
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Going meat-free holds the key to solving the global food crisis.

Health editor Jeremy Laurance of United Kingdom’s “The Independent” has said that if people adopt the vegetarian (vegan) diet, global starvation and conflicts over food would end. Regarding the growth of biofuel crops, he also stated, “While 100 million tons of grain are being diverted to make fuel this year, over seven times as much (760 million tons) will be used to feed animals.” Mr. Laurance further affirmed that Britain could feed her entire population on half the land currently being farmed, if everyone were to become vegan.

Mr. Laurance, we thank you for the service you provide to readers through your writings such as these. We pray that all people will a adopt vegetarian (vegan) diet to provide food in plenty and preserve our planet.

UN says humanity is receiving ‘final wake up call.’

Speaking of the group’s fourth Global Environmental Outlook report, United Nations Environment Program Executive Director, Achim Steiner, warned that the effects of climate change are coming at such an accelerated rate that certain regions could soon pass the point of no return. The Himalayan glaciers, which supply water to millions in India, China and areas of Africa, were given as examples of places that could soon dry out.
Mr. Steiner, we send our deep appreciation, for your clear and timely message. May we respond by quickly halting the emission of dangerous greenhouse gases to save our irreplaceable earthly home.

Higher sea level increases predicted.

According to a new scientific study by a team from the United Kingdom and Finland, along with previous findings by German researcher Stefan Rahmstorf, the average global sea level is forecast to rise between 0.8 meters and 1.5 meters by the end of the century. This is higher than predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in a report published last year. Rising sea levels will have significant effects for countries like Bangladesh, in which 80%-90% of land is within one meter of the sea.
A big thank you, esteemed scientists, for this invaluable data. We pray for action by all countries to immediately reverse climate change and restore the ecological balance of our biosphere.