Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai in Los Angeles, California, USA. - 3 Aug 2008  
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Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai in Los Angeles, California, USA.

On Thursday, July 31, Supreme Master Television’s staff had the honor to have a conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai on climate change. The following is an excerpt from this videoconference in which Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her valuable advice and revealed further insights into the mysteries of our universe.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Supreme Master Television
Los Angeles, California, USA – July 31, 2008

Supreme Master TV (M): Some exciting new data has been sent back by NASA’s spacecraft currently circling around Mars, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Pictures revealed that Mars once had diverse forms of water such as lakes and rivers – wet environments that might have supported life for thousands or even millions of years. Geologists have identified similar landforms between Mars and Alaska, such as evidence of ice avalanches which are now occurring more frequently in Alaska, most likely due to global warming. Master, you have spoken on several occasions about the parallels between the histories of Mars and Earth. Is it true that Mars experienced climate change at the hands of its inhabitants like our planet? Did the Martians have a chance to save their planet?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They did have. The warning came like 20 or so years Earth time to them. The last urgent signs they had were about five years before the destruction. They did have a chance, but they did not do it.

Supreme Master TV (M): Why is that, Master?

SM: Because they did not know about the vegetarian diet that could change. At that moment, there were not enough people to stand up and communicate the urgency of the planet as well as the solution, like the vegetarian diet, the way we are doing now.

Supreme Master TV: And Master, how about our planet, do people know the chance?
SM: There are some people who don’t know what to do. And of course some people who know what to do because we inform them or the United Nations inform them or the scientists inform them, but they still did not change their habit. So, if we continue not changing our habit, then the planet will be destroyed, just the way Mars has been destroyed.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right now, we are doing a lot of things; we inform people and distributing leaflets and all that, but we will have to rely on Heaven’s grace if we are to survive.

VOICE: We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for being the most dedicated communicator of our urgent situation and the solution for humanity’s survival. May we look to the history of our neighboring planet Mars and heed the wisdom of vegetarianism and prayer for the sake of all lives on Earth.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Saving the Dead Sea.

With its water level dropping approximately 1 meter per year, the Dead Sea has lost a third of its volume over the past 30 years, primarily due to human activities affecting the sea’s main water source, the River Jordan. While a plan has been formulated to send water through canals or pipelines from the Red Sea, environmental advocates from organizations such as Friends of the Earth are concerned that the impact on either sea has not been fully considered. Many of the concerned environmentalists are in agreement that saving the River Jordan, which provides much-needed drinking water for Syria, Israel and Jordan, needs to be explored further. 

Many thanks environmentalists and all parties for your informed concern. We send our prayers that your dedicated efforts will bring a solution to restore both the life-giving River Jordan and the legendary Dead Sea.,,

Next few years are critical for global warming.

The New Economics Foundation, an independent British research group, estimates that critical tipping points could be passed within several years’ time that would lead to runaway global warming. Using a conservative estimate, the researchers forecast that without quick countering actions, emissions could rise above 450 parts per million, a quantity linked by United Nations climate change experts to an overall temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius. According to a report prepared in 2006 by UK’s Sir Nicholas Stern, a 2 degree Celsius global temperature increase could release vast quantities of greenhouse gases stored in soils and permafrost, threatening up to 40 percent of land species with extinction and water shortages for 4 billion people.

We deeply appreciate your timely warning, New Economics Foundation. May all leaders act now by bringing the message of switching to the animal-free, vegetarian diet to most quickly save our planetary home.,