Technical ways alone cannot stop global warming. (Videoconference) -30 July 2008  
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Technical ways alone cannot stop global warming.

Out of her boundless compassion for all life’s beings, Supreme Master Ching Hai has provided a comprehensive way to regard the global climate crisis, explaining how it is impacting us through both up-to-date scientific findings and spiritual insights. During a recent videoconference with our Association members in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai highlighted once more the need to shift our focus away from mainstream concepts of reducing energy consumption, to the root remedy of ceasing the violence in our daily lives.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
With Bangkok, Thailand Center – July 24, 2008

Our Association member (F): If the people in Thailand concentrate on using less energy and growing plenty of trees, but continue to consume meat, could we possibly stop global warming?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: No, very little effect. Because meat producing causes 80% of global warming, I told you. Transportation, water, deforestation, refrigeration, medical care for animals and humans, and etc, etc.  All kinds of pollution coming from meat production.

It’s not just the land that they use, it’s not just the methane gas and nitrous oxide that they produce, it is all its  by-product; there’s no end to the list. We cannot rely on green technology alone to save the planet. Because the worst cause of it is from the meat industry.  Everybody knows it; all the scientists already report it to us.

VOICE: We are grateful for the deep wisdom and love of Supreme Master Ching Hai that guides us in the right direction. As she has recommended, may the switch to a loving, plant-based diet be our priority task in overcoming the Earth’s crisis.

Please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Korea holds first ever Vegetarian Symposium.

Last week, the country’s first ever Vegetarian Symposium was held, bringing together 45 groups that advocate the animal-free diet for various reasons. Called the “Green People Network,” members’ interests range from health and religion to animal welfare and publishing. Supreme Master Television’s correspondent in Seoul, South Korea tells us more.

Supreme Master TV : As various problems of meat-eating including mad cow disease have become the biggest social issue, Korean society is paying the highest ever levels of attention to vegetarianism. A vegetarian symposium was held by various Korean vegetarian organizations at the Press Center in Seoul.

Master Hyo Won, Director of Future Buddhism Research Institute & vegetarian (M): I hope the recent candlelight protest prompted by mad cow disease could develop into a very good direction.
Noh Bo-Ra, Journalist, “Vegetarianism and Health” newspaper & vegetarian (F):
About 70% of the people think they should go vegetarian.

Supreme Master TV: In this event, they called for a holistic and general reflection and introspection about foods by declaring a vegetarian statement, and emphasized that a vegetarian diet is an alternative.

Park So-Yeon, President of CARE, an animal protection organization (F) and Ahn Seung Bae, Member of CARE (M): “Green People will be compassionate vegetarians who respect the lives of all animals. Green People will be vegetarians who promote vegetarianism to stop global warming.”

Dr. Song Suk-Ja, New Start Health Consulting Center (F): I believe that only when we stay away from such a cruel lifestyle, can we receive blessings from Heaven.

Supreme Master TV: The presentations on excellent cases of vegetarian schools and hospitals received great attention and response.

Lee Seok-Jae, Principal of vegetarian Taegang Sahmyook Elementary School (M): Many people come to our school because we’re a vegetarian school. Many parents respond positively, saying they’re really satisfied.

VOICE: The Vegetarian Symposium covered all aspects of diet, including its crucial role in stopping global warming. In fact, the idea for the symposium was born from the organizers having participated in the SOS! International Global Warming Seminar with Supreme Master Ching Hai in May.

Noh Bo-Ra, Journalist, “Vegetarianism and Health Newspaper” & vegetarian (F): President Cho Won-Ung of the International Temperance Association and chief organizer of this event, participated in the Seminar, and learned that global warming is very serious and vegetarianism can be the best solution for that. So, when I suggested this event to him, he accepted and said now we should launch a vegetarian movement, and so this event was planned.

Master Sunjae, Esteemed expert on temple food (F): An Earth in crisis and the food crisis; now vegetarianism is the best answer.

VOICE: Congratulations and thanks, all participants of Korea’s first Vegetarian Symposium! May your resolutions from the meeting help more and more people take heart and take part in the animal-free vegetarian diet.

For Alaskans, climate change is an immediate reality.

A recent article in a Fairbanks, Alaska USA newspaper reflected that while the Earth as a whole has warmed about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit over the last century, the northernmost state of Alaska has warmed more than twice that amount in half the time. This means that for Alaskans, the migration of animal species due to climate change is already a fact of life. Grizzly bears, moose, and king salmon, for example, are showing up in unprecedented northerly locations. Scientists’ climate change models predict even worse if humans continue in the same trend, with average temperature increases in the Arctic expected to be anywhere from 7 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit.

We pray that humans will heed the message coming from Alaska and will find the fastest ways to reverse global warming, for the sake of all Earthly inhabitants.,