Fish threatened by acidic oceans - 26 Dec 2011  
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Fish threatened by acidic oceans.
The higher acid levels in sea waters associated with increased absorption of climate change-related CO2 have long been understood by scientists. However, while it was also known that the survival of organisms with calcium-based shells can be threatened, there had been no known effect on fish.

However, researchers in two separate studies, one in the US and one in Europe, have found that increased CO2 concentrations of 1,000 parts per cubic meter, which are forecast by the end of this century, caused 70% of fish larvae to perish within a week due to organ damage, with those that did live being much smaller than
their normal counterparts.

The scientists concluded that although it had been assumed that the inborn acid-base regulation of fish would protect them from the effects of higher CO2 levels, the eggs and young larvae are extremely vulnerable to these conditions.

Although disturbed by the findings, we are grateful for this information, international scientists. May such insights motivate us all toward actions to preserve all life in the oceans and on Earth.

Speaking during an interview published in The Irish Dog Journal in December 2009, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the alarming dangers of climate change such as ocean acidification, as she also spoke of the surest way to restore the balance of the ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Other devastating effects of climate change have already been occurring: the heat-reflecting Arctic ice is on its way to completely vanishing in a very near summer; rising sea levels and dozens of submerged or threatened islands; oceanic regions that are lifeless with dead zones are becoming too acidic to be livable due to excessive levels of CO2. Very sad things.

All these situations are getting worse and worse and won't stop until we really change the way we live our life.

Extra News
The UK-based Butterfly Conservation reports on December 20, 2011 that butterflies and moths have become disoriented by the extreme weather patterns this year, with migrating species appearing weeks or even months ahead of their normal arrival time in spring.

The film “eXtinction,” written by and featuring US model, television host and eco-activist Summer Rayne Oakes, has been announced for its worldwide debut in 2012 to present powerful imagery showing the vulnerable state of our planet, reports Ecorazzi on December 21, 2011.
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