Global carbon dioxide emissions have increased by 49 per cent in the last two decades - 15 Dec 2011  
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A new report by international researchers published in the December 2011 journal, Nature Climate Change, states that global carbon emissions from fossil fuels saw their largest ever annual increase in 2010, also representing a 49% rise since 1990, with the authors urging for action to reverse this direction.

Measurements from a recent satellite imaging survey of the Hindu Kush Himalayas, as reported in the December 12, 2011 Science and Development Network, have shown that the actual glacier ice loss is up to eight times more than what was estimated in prior studies.

A December 10, 2011 article in the US-based Huffington Post, describeing a study by US researchers of climate records from the past 300,000 years, states that if global warming continues at its current rate, climate change will occur over 100 times faster than the speed at which species can adapt.
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