Historic drought grips Mexico - 15 Nov 2011  
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Historic drought grips Mexico.
Saying that the current dry conditions are unprecedentedin the country's history, National Meteorological Service General Director Felipe Adrián Vázquez Gálvez stated that more than 70% of Mexico’s total area is suffering from drought.

Mr. Vázquez Gálvez made the statement while attending the recent 21st Forum on Climate Prediction, held in the state of San Luis Potosí. Given current ocean temperatures and atmospheric circulation patterns, meteorologists have also forecast that the dry weather will likely continue throughout the winter.

To better understand and address the recent extreme weather, scientists in Mexico are working with their counterparts in the southwestern United States, which has also been devastated by drought.

Our thanks, Mr. Vázquez Gálvez and other experts, for your efforts to understand and raise awareness of the urgent drought crisis. Let us do our part to alleviate such severe conditions through our more conscientious stewardship of the ecosphere.

Speaking with concern of the planetary emergency during a June 2011 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the steep toll of drought in the nation, as well as what must be done to stop climate change.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : With all the droughts and wildfires Mexico is facing, food security is really at risk, and climate change – through droughts and floods that destroy crops –is, of course, a major cause of high food price and food insecurity.

There is a solution. A few months ago, the United Nations proposed that the best way to bring about cooling, rather than focusing on carbon dioxide, would be to reduce the shorter-lived global warming agents.
These include methane, black carbon, and ground-level ozone.

So we all should go vegan, and the bestis organic vegan.

Extra News
A study released by the US Environmental Protection Agency on November 8, 2011 finds that regional hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas from underground has contaminated groundwater supplies in the rural town of Pavillion, Wyoming with toxic and carcinogenic chemicals, as well as 50 times the safe amount of benzene.


In a report commissioned by the Australian government, scientists on November 11, 2011 forecast life-threatening heat waves that may triple in cities such as Melbourne as they state that more Australians now perish due to heat each year than to any other natural disasters.



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