Prince Charles assumes presidency of UK's World Wildlife Fund - 12 Sep 2011  
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Prince Charles assumes presidency of UK's World Wildlife Fund.
In his inaugural address as the new head of Britain's chapter of the international environmental organization, His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales said that humans must radically change their relationship with nature, or risk becoming endangered as well.

Highlighting the urgent need for reversing climate change through greater protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, the Prince said that we are otherwise consuming what should rightfully be inherited by future generations.

He concluded by remarking on the notable successes of humanity in working together toward shared goals, saying that we must do so now as he stated, "...What is needed is robust leadership into the future.
For history will not judge us by how much economic growth we achieve in the immediate years ahead, nor by how much we expand material consumption, but by the legacy we leave for our grandchildren and their grandchildren."

Our heartfelt accolades and appreciation, Your Royal Highness, for your candidness and courage in conveying the dire state of our planet while maintaining the hope of attaining noble goals. Our best wishes for your leadership in inspiring many toward such Earth-restoring aspirations for the benefit of all beings in the world.

Extra News
As southern US states continue experiencing record hot temperatures, the National Weather Service reports on September 8, 2011 that the average temperature from June through August in Texas was 86.8 degrees Fahrenheit (30.4 degrees Celsius), which is the hottest three-month average for any US state ever.

Speaking on September 7, 2011, Mexico’s Environment Secretary Juan Elvira stated that additional government funding and conservation programs have resulted in a 34% annual reduction in deforestation over the past five years compared to the previous five.

Speaking at Sydney University in Australia on September 8, 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urges renewed efforts to halt climate change, saying that migration for environmental reasons is reshaping the human geography of the planet and will only increase as sea levels rise and drought-stricken deserts spread.

A study by Boston University, USA researchers, published in the September 2011 journal Climate Change Letters, finds that even if human-induced global warming is limited to a 2 degree Celsius rise, temperatures that historically have been considered extreme would become the norm for 70-80% of the land surfaces on Earth.


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