Bremen introduces “Veggie Thursday.” - 5 Feb 2010  
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The picturesque city in northwest Germany has become the first municipality to introduce a weekly Veggie Day. The campaign has taken its cues from the success of a similar program in Gent, Belgium where schools, restaurants and citizens are all participating.

The German “Veggie Thursday” initiative has received the endorsement of Bremen’s mayor, Mr. Jens Böhrnsen; its environmental chief, Dr. Reinhard Loske and a broad-base of consumer and environmental groups.

Along with its health benefits, campaign organizers state that if 550,000 Bremen citizens stop eating meat for just 52 days in the year, they can prevent the CO2 emissions of 40,000 cars.

Bravo, “Veggie Thursday” organizers and Bremen citizens on your adoption of this wholesome trend! Surely such noble examples as yours will continue to spread, with more and more communities joining in the life-saving veg lifestyle.〈=en
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