US climate and agricultural experts express concern over the effects of climate change on agriculture - 14 Sep 2011  
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In a report released on September 5, 2011 US climate and agricultural experts express concern over the effects of climate change on agriculture in a nation that accounts for 50% of the global corn, 40% of soybean, and 30% of the world's wheat exports.

With desertification threatening 400 million African people with food scarcity and forced migration, UN Convention to Combat Desertification chief Luc Gnacadja on September 9, 2011 urges for efforts to halt the process, saying that 750 million hectares of degraded land has the potential to be reclaimed for agricultural use.

China’s state news agency Xinhua on September 9, 2011 reported that relentless drought since the beginning of July this year in the nation's southwestern regions has required emergency response as drinking water shortages affect some 14 million people and cause damage to the region's crops.
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