Malaysia Sabah state plans to impose a complete ban on shark fishing - 31 Aug 2011  
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On August 29, 2011, Malaysia's Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Masidi Manjun, announced Sabah state's plans to impose a complete ban on shark fishing, in an effort to protect the rich biodiversity in the waters
around Borneo Island.

Brazil’s Energy Research Company reports that 44 wind farm developers in August 2011 agreed to deliver electricity at a lower cost than energy generated by natural gas, making this sustainable source of energy the most cost-effective electricity in the country.

An August 29, 2011 United Nations report states that people in Indonesia’s West Timor District and neighboring areas, historically among the nation's driest,are now suffering from worsening food insecurity due to ongoing deforestation that has led to extreme weather fluctuations such as torrential rains and catastrophic flooding.
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