Relief news update from Angola - 09 Oct 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Angola. Heavy rains collapsed homes and submerged agricultural fields in the southern Angolan province of Cunene, affecting nearly 12,000 residents.

Conveying her heartfelt sorrow and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$20,000, asking that our nearby Association members please go to help the most vulnerable victims. This amount could purchase US$106,000 in urgent aid if obtained in the United States, based on Angola’s cost of living.

As soon as conditions permitted, our Association’s relief team from Cameroon travelled to Cunene province, making two trips in August and another in September, covering their own expenses which totalled US$1,050. With the local government’s cooperation, 10 tons of rice was delivered by truck in August via a three-hour drive to the hard hit town of Mupa. In September, an additional 11 tons of rice were purchased and distributed to benefit over 3,000 residents most in need. In both cases, free transportation was kindly offered by the local firms, China Road and Bridge Company, and Guangdong Hydropower Group. The townspeople expressed joy upon seeing the relief team arrive and then return once more, and they conveyed their thankfulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai. The following is an excerpt from a letter written by the town’s leader.

(Originally in Portuguese) …We are thankful for the support, since it will contribute to the normalization of certain difficulties experienced within the town of Mupa affected by floods since December 2009 to April 2010, hoping that you shall continue to work with the same style, determination and dignity of the Association. Our sincere thanks to Excellency Supreme Master Ching Hai, wishing success in her work. Gilberto de Oliveira Soares Director of Mupa Town

VOICE: With appreciation to the Mupa Town government and helpful local companies, we also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional aid and support to the Angolan people, as well as our Association’s relief team for their diligent efforts. May the disaster-affected residents recover fully to their secure daily lives as we work to stabilize our planet’s atmosphere through our considerate and eco-conscious actions.
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