Relief news update from China - 18 Aug 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from China.
Beginning July 28, rainstorms and flooding struck many areas in the northeastern province of Jilin, claiming 30 lives as homes collapsed, farmland was inundated, transportation links damaged, and water and power supplies downed.

Conveying her sympathies and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai had asked that
our nearby Association members go to help the most desperate, adding that financial assistance would be available as needed.

Our Chinese Association members’ together donated over US$17,000 in aid, an amount that could purchase US$121,000 in emergency supplies if obtained in the United States, based on China’s cost of living.

Covering their own travel and related expenses of approximately US$510, a team of local members went to the most affected areas to offer assistance.

As per Supreme Master Ching Hai’s requests for updates, the following is a report from our Association’s Chinese relief team. August 12, 2010

Re: Relief work in Jilin Province
Most Beloved Master,
As soon as Master's caring instruction was received, we immediately began to investigate and found that the most seriously affected areas were Yongji, Kouqian, Wangqi, Yilaxi, Erdao, Changshan, Erdaodianzi, Hongshilazi and Antu, where victims rendered homeless were taking shelter in schools, friends’ homes or tents supplied by the government.

We also found that there was an urgent need for food, quilts, and clothing. Therefore, our Association members immediately purchased 1,046 quilts, over 3,000 clothing items, 1,200 pair of shoes, 1,000 stainless
steel dinnerware sets, 1,300 cartons of vegan instant noodles, and several thousand kilos of fine dried noodles, along with drinking water, vegetables, vegan steamed buns, boxed lunches, bread and soap powders, etc. Working night and day, Association members were able to deliver the relief goods and money directly to the hands of the victims most in need.

Grateful for Master’s care, the relief recipients were either moved to tears or smiled in comforted joy! We are thankful for Master’s love and support to those affected by this disaster and wish that they may soon rebuild their homes for a return to their peaceful daily lives.
China Relief Team

VOICE: We appreciate Supreme Master Ching Hai’s permission to share these details with our viewers, as well as our Association’s Foreign Group for providing this report.

Supreme Master Ching Hai sent the following response:
Thank you for your prompt aid to the afflicted.
Please know that my heart is with your people and more financial aid
can be reimbursed. For now, I prepared US$20,000 for other victims if needed.
♥♥ CH

The total amount of US$37,000 offered to reimburse relief expenses as well as provide for additional needs could obtain US$264,000 in materials purchased in the United States, based on China’s cost of living.

Our gratefulness for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s heartfelt care for the disaster-hit people and our Association’s relief team for their sincere endeavors.

May Heaven grace the Chinese people with resiliency for a swift recuperation to regular day-to-day lives as our cultivation of greater kindness helps minimize such disturbing events as these.

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