Föld bolygó: A szeretett otthonunk
Timor-Leste: A klímaváltozás hatásainak érzékelése   

Adao:Climate change already impacted our country in terms of water resources, agriculture production and also loss of biodiversity and loss of our equipment, especially for the those areas that are vulnerable to the drought and flooding and also sea level rising.

HOST: Halo gracious viewers and welcome to this week’s edition of  Planet Earth: Our Loving Home where we will be examining the impacts of climate change on the island nation of Timor-Leste as well as hear from some of the country’s top environmental officials regarding the steps the nation is taking to address this serious issue.

Located in Southeast Asia to the northwest of Australia, The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste includes the eastern half of Timor Island and other territories. Approximately 1.1 million people inhabit this splendid country characterized by mountainous terrain and a tropical climate .

Let us first hear from Mr. Adao Soares Barbosa who is deeply involved in setting Timor-Leste’s climate change policy.

For more details on the nation of Timor Leste,
please visit

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