A bolygó jövőjének tervezése: Az ENSZ Éghajlatváltozási Kormányközi Testületének Bali ülésszaka, 1/2 rész    1. rész
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Caring viewers, welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home.
From October 26 to 29, 2009 the 31st Session of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was held in Bali, Indonesia.

The Panel is a scientific body that provides a comprehensive scientific view of the current state of climate change and its projected future effects on the environment, society and the global economy by reviewing the latest data on the subject.

For its efforts to raise public awareness about climate change, the Panel shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former US Vice President Al Gore.

During the Session approximately 350 government officials and climate scientists from around the globe gathered to discuss the proposed chapter outlines of the Panel’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) to be published in 2014.

The Report is part of an ongoing series featuring in-depth scientific data on global warming that includes adaptation and mitigation options.Today, we’ll present selected excerpts from presentations made during the Session and Supreme Master Television’s interviews with participants.

Here, Panel chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri opens the Session with a welcoming speech.

For more details on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, please visit www.IPCC.ch

Klímaváltozás konferencia Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mesterrel
Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mester a Környezetről
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
A szeretet ajándéka: egyszerű és tápláló főzőcske Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mesterrel
The King & Co.
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Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms
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