Chinese vice president concludes African tour - 24 Nov 2010  
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Chinese vice president concludes African tour. In official visits to the African countries of South Africa, Angola, and Botswana, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping attended and was a keynote speaker at the 10th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, after which he travelled to Angola on Friday, November 19. His meeting there with President Jose Eduardo dos Santos culminated in 19 new agreements to enhance bilateral cooperation in economy, culture, health and education, including 60 annual scholarships for Angolan students in China. On Sunday, Vice President Xi was greeted in Botswana by Vice President Mompati Merafhe, where the two signed three accords that included China’s donated pledge of US$6 million to go towards infrastructure and energy development, as well as other collaborations in the fields of culture, trade and addressing climate change.

Our respectful accolades Your Excellencies of China, South Africa, Angola and Botswana, on your amicable exchanges and beneficial cooperation. May your relations continue bringing steady advancements that benefit all your gentle-hearted citizens.
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