Drinking found to threaten both well being and the economy. – 9 Dec 2009  
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Drinking found to threaten both well being and the economy.


According to the Aulacese (Vietnamese) Institute for Medical Policy Strategies, alcohol-related problems such as traffic accidents, violence, suicides, family break-ups and work problems are on the rise. Youth are cited as being especially at risk, with as many as 69% of boys and 28% of girls aged 14-15 who have begun trying alcohol.


The World Health Organization warns that overconsumption of starting in youth can hinder brain development along with wider negative effects that include social disorders hindering the countrys economic growth. The Ministry of Health is thus making efforts to stem these adverse effects, including drafting a bill to prevent alcohol abuse.


Our grateful thanks, Ministry of Health and the Aulacese government for your concerned action for youth and society. May your beautiful country be soon restored to wholesome health and well-being for all.



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