Dutch study links alcohol and tobacco to specific cancers - 6 Jan 2010  
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A study conducted by researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands tracked the lifestyles and dietary habits of more than 120,000 Dutch adults for 16 years.

They concluded that smoking increased the risk by up to 260% of two main forms of stomach cancer, as well as the two forms of esophageal cancer. Meanwhile, those who drank the equivalent alcohol of two to three glasses of wine per day were nearly five times more likely to develop one type of esophageal cancer.

Our gratitude Maastricht University researchers for this information that highlights the clearly detrimental effects of alcohol and tobacco use. May more and more people opt for a vibrant lifestyle free of such harmful substances.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/killers_hu/211

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