The United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse  
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Former drug abuser (m): One night, while on LSD [a hallucinogen], I started to become scared, paranoid and confused. I was 25 years old,in the prime of my life, yet I had no friends, no family, no confidence,and no money. Drugs left with me with nothing.

Addictive drug /noun/ :An often illegal substance that causes severe dependency, with adverse effects; can lead to death.

Former drug addict and dealer (f): After three doses, I was addicted. Then I was jailed for drug abuse. I committed a bunch of crimes before, like drug selling. I didn’t feel guilty at all at that time. There was nothing but 『money』 in my eyes.

 On June 26, 1987, the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was founded by the United Nations for the world citizens to unite in a firm stand against addictive drugs.
Today on Supreme Master Television, we will hear about some of the direct and indirect effects of addictive drugs and ways to address this global problem.

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