A tündöklő palesztin viselet és hímzés 1/2 rész (arabul)    2. rész
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Welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television.
Today we’re featuring the first of a two-part show that showcases the glorious dresses, embroidery and accessories from the Palestinian culture.

We will see some magnificent examples of Palestinian costumes and learn of the skills of this ongoing traditional art form. The Palestinian region is held sacred by Muslims, Jews and Christians alike.
In fact, influences from all of these three religions are evident throughout the Holy Land, particularly in the artistic expressions of the locals.

Textile arts have been an important part of the way of life in the Middle East since antiquity. Changing relatively little with the passing of time, some of the most intricate and inspiring of the Palestinian costumes seen today are said to have their roots from garments made thousands of years ago.

It is believed that the Palestinian clothing heritage can be traced back to 1500 BC to the dress of the Canaanites, a people who once inhabited the region of Palestine.

Kapcsolódó link
Hanbok: Hagyományos koreai viselet korszakokon át - 1/2 rész (koreai nyelven)
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Artistic Exchange:Peace through Unity at the ASEAN Celebration
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Klímaváltozás konferencia Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mesterrel
Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mester a Környezetről
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
A szeretet ajándéka: egyszerű és tápláló főzőcske Ching Hai Legfelsőbb Mesterrel
The King & Co.
Aforizma tekercsek
A hónap kitüntetése tekercsek
Konstruktív tekercsek
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms
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