Ram Bahadur Bomjan: A meditáló Buddha gyerek Nepálból (Nepáli nyelven)    2. rész
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Precious viewers, today's A Journey through Aesthetic Realm introduces you to Ram Bahadur Bomjan in a two-part series. He is also known in the media as the “Buddha Boy”, by his official Buddhist name Palden Dorje, and Tapasvi Bomjan. Tapasvi is a Sanskrit word meaning spiritual practitioner. Since May 16, 2005, almost 4 years ago, Tapasvi Bomjan has been meditating without food and water in the Bara District of Nepal. We will share with you accounts from his family members and others whose lives have been touched by this special soul.

Historically located between the Tibetan plateau and the plains of the subcontinent India and China, Nepal was known as the birth place of Shakyamuni Buddha and the land of Mount Everest. And now a young holy man, Ram Bahadur Bomjan from Nepal has given a new introduction to this place.Ram Bahadur Bomjan was born on April 9, 1990 at Bungjor, Bara district of Nepal. The village of Ratanpuri is 9 kilometers west from Nijgadh, the nearest town.Ratanpuri is a Tamang community, of which the majority are Buddhists.

Ram Bahadur Bomjan was born in an ordinary Tamang family of this rural village. According to his parents and neighbors, his boyhood was quite different from that of other boys.

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